Curious About How Active Alliance Is On WrA

Why do you hurt me Sint I’m a good boy in blue

you are naught but an undead monstrosity! you carry the taint of the scourge. prepare to enter the twisting nether!

human male aggro noise

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i prefer male gnome dying noise myself

Do you know how old I am?

I’m not sure how people can be so positive about Alliance RP being “lively” in Stormwind. I recently transferred away to MG from WRA for multiple reasons.

Trolls are one thing, especially when people are absolutely inconsiderate with their ooc chatter in what has basically been RP hubs in the city for years and years. It seems nothing is done at all to curb these sorts of people.
RP guilds (at least from my perspective) seem to advertise less in general channels/trade on top of most RP guilds seeming pretty inclusive now, so you have to basically vouch yourself to someone before meeting anybody. Not to mention the over abundance of Military RP guilds (which as an old MG roleplayer, I’ve been burned quite alot for such a theme in roleplay.).
I’m also EST based, which means I don’t get to see the “primetime” people on Alliance side, though even when trying for Horde RP I run into the exact same problem, just more bodies to spam chat with.

I don’t know, maybe its just me, but I’ve never felt included in WRA RP Alliance side since after WoD. I lost all of my friends and connects sortly after Legion started and I could never get back on the right foot. I’ve always had trouble being social my whole life, perhaps this just plays into it here.

ages like he drank from the wrong cup in Alexandreta


Wait Is Gywneth Greyah or am I being a real doofus

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10 characters of yes

edit: I regret reading this thread because now the Muppet Babies theme song is playing on repeat inside my skull. I didn’t even know I remembered how it went. Pretty sure I’ve seen no hint of that show’s existence between kindergarten and now.

So, thanks for that, thread.


I know how old I am, as today is my birthday.


Many happy returns, Tops!


Thanks Azhaar!

Muppet baaa-bies they make their dreams come true.

Muppet baaaaaaa-bies, they’ll do the same for you.

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It is active, I started few months ago here and love it! Stormwind is very active, you could just walk around and see tons of people RP ing.

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Do not perceive me

sargeras throws another sword into azeroth but this time into duskwood


You are p e r c e i v e d

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The jig is up :confused:


I still can’t believe we’re about to head into a new expansion in a different dimension and the sword stuck in Azeroth and azerite isn’t even addressed let alone resolved.

Unless we’re going to steal the Jailor’s most prodigiously huge edgelord chain and tow-hitch the !@#$ing thing out when we close the Shadowlands.


Well you can’t really… remove the sword? Right now, anyways. So it makes sense.

But Azeroth in canon is no longer dying, she’s just got a knife in her side that kind of really hurts.

If a Sargeras corrupted Medivh didn’t stop me once, he can’t do it again.