Cultural Headcanons

So, this is actually a good one I thought of because I was watching Fury again today.

By comparison, Gnomes do ultimately make better mechs and siege weaponry than their Goblin Counterparts. When it comes to protracted war, however, the Goblins ultimately gain the upper hand on their Gnomish rivals because their mechs and siege weaponry is more viable for War Time production conditions. The average Gnome mech can beat 3 Goblin mechs in a fight, but there are usually 10 Goblin Mechs present.

In turn, this can also be shown for why the Blackfuses and Iron Horde was eventually beaten. Blackfuse made amazing machines, but they weren’t particularly great for war time production in the long run. Iron Horde also attained most of their plans for machines from Blackfuses, so it carried over. When confronted with having to out produce the Alliance and Horde, they broke.

I actually imagine a way Goblins view proper Gnome battle mechs and tanks is like how the Western Allies views German Tiger Tanks.


Small addition now that we’re in 8.2 with us running around in Nazjatar. Demon Hunters and Naga in particular are two sides of the different coin.

For the Naga, the Illidari and Demon Hunters and Warlocks and the like are likely prompting one of two reactions- absolute and unadulted terror because they’re causing flashbacks to the War of the Ancients, or some sort of smug respect; y’know, dabbling in darker magicks and all.

Most Illidari, in turn, face them in two ways. One, they’re like ‘you remind me of these guys I used to work with at the black temple, weird’, and a general air of vague confusion- or maybe viewing them as the rest of the world does, spooky fish monsters. Or maybe they empathize with them a bit with the whole ‘Mutation’ bit, or project a level of hatred due to their blind devotion causing small mental echoes of the Legion and their Demons.

Zandalari once had extremely strict views on gender, but Rastakhan in his youth, was a lot like his daughter is today, looking at laws and customs that don’t help their people, that aren’t commanded by the Loa (also I headcanon the Loa don’t care what people do about genitalia, as long as they’re worshiped the way they say), and standing hard against them no matter who stands in his way. Being centuries ago, back when he ascended to the throne, the backlash and likely rebellion that resulted, quieted down. Mainly to give the guy some kind of victory as king, since we sure as hell saw him at his worst. As time progressed, and he became the only Troll still alive to remember, he slowly adjusted the histories, first with his own reign, and then with previous reigns, choosing to make Zandalar look better than the world, than the lesser tribes, rather than merely himself look better than Zandalar. The result, while still not quite egalitarian by our standards, was still improved, woman being judged for ability (on pain of death for any other kind of judgement) on where their caste lay. There is still an expectation of remaining in one’s own gender roles, which are largely cosmetic in practicality, but still present.

On a related note with the Zandalari, I imagine a not insignificant aspect of the White Widow’s small revolt at Talanji’s coronation managing to rile people up like that, was their enemy to the north, being a matriarchy (probably originally a response to pre-rastakhan laws). Talanji rising to the throne as a powerful spellcaster woman, following a Loa in Nazmir whose power is dark and scary and people don’t like discussing, was likely highly disturbing enough to make it all the easier for the White Widow’s power. Also, this connection, even before the switch from Rezan to Bwonsamdi, may be why she dresses so conservatively. The Blood Troll matriarchs dress incredibly revealing, so by her own evaluation, especially with her focus on their activity, the best thing for the empire would be to show a clear distinction between her and the northern matriarchs, being the heir.

In non-troll headcanons, I picture the Vulpera as having a rich history, having had their own king, longstanding settlements of their own. But the battle between Sethraliss and Mythrax not only buried their settlements and records beneath the sands, but because of how sedentary they were, it nearly wiped them out in the process, trying everything they could to hold what they have, and it nearly destroyed them to the last. The surviving Vulpera, started the caravan system in order to make sure no one battle could destroy their people, that no one shelter, protected all of them. While tales of that time became distorted into stories of other people in an oral tradition started by people who were too traumatized to talk much of what they lost, if you listen by their fires to stories of the past, you’ll hear things no Zandalari record says of their own people, anywhere. The work of their ancestors, shining through from a past buried beneath their feet.

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Dark Irons view rain as a sign of bad luck.


During their long isolation, overpopulation became a serious concern in Suramar. As they had no place to expand, they simply resorted to sharing spaces before eventually settling for leaving many of the unfortunate out on the streets.

This would have an unintended consequence for the city as homelessness skyrocketed and the dependency on arcwine grew ever more drastic. Citizens in the underbelly of Suramar began to wither. This resulted in some hysteria for a time, but eventually the Duskwatch managed to settle it and kill the withered.

However, the streets would never be completely safe for those without homes. The homeless of Suramar would be in constant states of strife and desperation, scavenging for arcwine and any mana they could get their hands on before inevitably withering and being rounded up and executed by guards. Those who didn’t were instead consumed by the withered.

From then on, your average homeless Shal’dorei lived tragically short lives. Thus the overpopulation problem of Suramar sorted itself out with that small percentage of the population now permanently trapped paying the price for their lives.

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Having tusks is responsible for subtle societal differences between trolls and the other races of Azeroth. For example, male troll tusks are far too large to allow kissing. Even the tusks that are shorter and set wider apart still restrict any kind of head tilting which would restrict pretty much any form of kiss other than a peck on the lips, but even that would be impossible for the many males. The same would also go for more personal mouth related relations. As such they’ve probably adopted other signs of affection and are probably a lot more into holding hands and other forms of simple intimacy.

Also, fighting an opponent with what are basically two large spears jutting from the front of their face would also have a massive impact on hand to hand fighting styles. The amount of damage that could be inflicted on a fist, forearm or elbow coming into contact with the sharp end of a tusk at full force probably caused trolls to develop fighting styles that favor body blows above face/head strikes. Also your tusks could cost you a fight, and possibly your life, if your opponent got a hold of them as they could control your head and neck and easily pull you off balance and manipulate you as they wanted. So trolls would likely fight rather defensively, leading with their feet and putting a lot of emphasis into protecting their faces/tusks.

Nightborne etiquette is bafflingly intricate and highly indicative of social class, though this all largely developed by accident.

Since everyone spent so long strictly within the confines of the same city with the same set of people, casual conversation became riddled with inside jokes and references that, over the many centuries, shed their original meaning and became custom.

There’s a fair chance that some of these allusions were rendered as illusions, which would make Suramar the dankest meme stash on Azeroth.


Alliance elves are in love with humans and human culture. It’s gone to the point where elven women throw themselves at human men in order the create half-elf children. Human males who are unable to find a human wife usually end up marrying a she-elf. This isn’t necessarily seen as a negative, it’s considered a win-win for both races. Elves get to repopulate as human men are more virile than elven boys and the human men get to find love.

Elven beauty standards are also adjusting to be more humancentric. They perform reconstruction surgery to shorten their ears to appear more human, trim their eyebrows, and they attempt to have human colored eyes.

Since defeating the Burning Legion and joining the Alliance, Lightforged Draenei have earned a bit of an unfortunate reputation as not being the friendliest of sorts. Not to say that they are actively unfriendly, but because of the weird time-dilation effect of fighting in the Twisting Nether with Turalyon’s whole situation, they have spent unimaginable lengths of time waging a non-stop war of attrition against the Legion. Without a constant influx of fresh faces to shake things up, the Lightforged are much more accustomed to losing old friends than they are with making new ones.

And as if that weren’t bad enough on its own, fighting alongside the same comrades for centuries has led to a noticeable decay in the flexibility of their social skills, to such an extent that some people find them vaguely disquieting, in the same way that you might get a chill down your spine from someone who seems a little too nice.


100% this. My (currently NPC) Lightforged are absolutely unnerving and uncomfortable in their calmness towards everything, or friendly to the point of awkward and overbearing.

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Dreamcatchers are everywhere in Arakkoan society. They are all crafted to capture the void and shadow energies before they corrupt Arakkoa minds, and nearly everyone will have a few on them at any given time. Necklaces, attached to clothing, hung on walls and over doorways, there is nowhere that one doesn’t belong. Some go so far as to prevent negative thoughts, prevent dreaming, mood changers.The dangers of the shadows and void are very heavily pointed at, equally as much as how Rukhmar will save them from it.

One of the most symbolic gestures from your clutch-sibling is a dreamcatcher with one of their feathers as the focus. This is the equivalent of saying “I will protect you from the worst, even in your most vulnerable”.

Arakkoa are incredibly intelligent, able to pick up and understand new concepts quickly. Their minds work fast, jumping from one thought to the next. They are able to understand new languages after watching them speak for an amount of time, or repeat complex tasks after seeing them once. The only limit to what they can know are unknown unknowns.


For me I have a small handful mostly flavor, for gnomes.

First, gnomes carry punchards, some of paper, some of metal that are customized stylistically for them that they can swap quickly with other gnomes upon meeting that can very quickly show your name, your birth place, job title etc.

I consider these an extension of the canon punchcard system rationalizing that they would likely have been used for many things like a regular government ID, making doctors appointments, getting in and out of your housing quarter etc. It would have also allowed the gnomish government to easily grant special clearance or access to certain gnomes and in a world where everyone likely had their heads down absorbed into their exciting technological breakthroughs at all hours of the day many young ambitious gnomes or those who has achieved a great degree of success might have even started a trend of carrying extra cards that were more simplistic in what information they carried to actually swap with people that younger gnomes might, in my headcannon at least, have collected like trading cards. On a darker note it would have helped during the fall for identifying bodies that may have been heavily mutated or otherwise made unrecognizable in the chaos.

Ive got others but thats just one ive been using for awhile.


Loyalty to Jaina, isn’t all about wanting her as the Lord-Admiral. Or appreciating her saving the nation’s fleet. It’s also fear. She’s the only one who can use the item that summons the ships, and her own power, is simply unmatched. The Daughter of the Sea, is a figure who can fight the very best of the Horde’s forces and come out alive, who can barrage an entire city with ice and snow. Freeze a fleet all at once. The loyalty to Jaina Proudmoore is probably just as strong if not stronger than to Katherine, both because she saved the nation, and because most who would want to oppose her, feel there’s no possible way to stop her, because her magic regardless of the armies at her back are just that powerful. She even returned from the Blighted Lands, a place no one has ever returned from.