My dog has no trouble reminding me that she would like to stay inside on the 4th. If she hears anything (and I do mean anything) remotely resembling an explosion, she’s heading straight for the house. Someone slammed a car door a block away and she was bolting. SMH
Yes, I will not work on the 4th of July making balloons for kids because it is one of the slowest holidays for people going shopping with most places closed or closing early. Let alone, until my back is recovered to where I can stand up straight and walk without pain, I won’t work anyways. Thankfully, they gave me gabapentin and tramadol for it so it is getting better. I can stand up not bent over as much with less pain.
Sounds like a warzone outside here with all the illegal fireworks around. We are also under a wildfire warning yet the idiots shooting off the fireworks do not care. There have already been several housefires due to them, and a few people being careless with them having to be rushed to the hospital.
I spent the evening with a vet friend to help him with his PTSD, fireworks kinda sets him off. Considering that where I live, the city decided to launch them from the stadium that is juts two blocks from me, lots of loud explosions till about 11pm. My friend wasn’t happy, but we made it through.
Hmm, just noticed a forum change in regards to how bookmarks are done.
Before when clicking the bookmark icon it would pop up a menu where you could give it a title and set the expiration time. Now it just automatically sends it to the Bookmarks section of your Forum Activity.
Thankfully, we still have the ability to edit in a title and set an expiration from that section. They also added a way to pin bookmarks to the top of the list.