good, she’s adorbs as usual. enjoying the married life
When the going to be ex wife starts a sentence with you don’t have to but…
She knows what she is doing. And she knows how I am going to react. She wanted me to go to Hobby Lobby and buy her a large canvas. $69.99 before coupon. She knows I love her with every fiber of my being. Even the dark places that harbor anger, contempt. Resentment, revenge, bottom feeding bloodlust etc.
She knew the outcome of this conversation before she opened her mouth. I go out. I get what she wants. And I pay for it. And yet, I still allow myself to be manipulated. Love is funny is it not.
Also, it started to snow outside. Not really sticking on the pavement though. Grass it is, but ground still to warm to stick.
That said it gonna freeze and get icy
No, love can make you stupid. Just kidding.
It is strange. I keep having to free my husband from chains in Torghast. One of the npc’s has his battletag name. After I free him, he makes be drag my sorry butt all over the tower looking for his lost flute. See, love makes you do stupid things. He thinks it’s funny.
What a way to spend the New Years. Threw my back out this morning and it hurts to move any.
Thanks to all for the condolences. Here’s to hoping that the new year will bring healing to the family and friends.
Sleep. Or lack of it is my issue as well. I sleep maybe 4 hours a night and not in one straight go. I wake up several times a night after the first two hours and doze off and on for the next few hours. It sometimes takes me 4 hours to fall asleep or even longer.
Add in the constant pain in my legs, which I realize may now be the cause of medication. I need to call my doc about it. It’s been going on so long that when I found out it’s a possible side effect, I just didn’t think about it being the cause. And it may not be, but I should still call.
I wish all of you the best in the coming year. May it be a better for us all. ~hugs~
Oh bud. I really really hope you find some relief soon. Do not be above going to the doctor for some muscle relaxers. Last time I threw my back out I could only lay in a certain position for 15 minutes max. Then I would have to move, excruciating as each movement was laying still hurt more.
I hope sleep finds you peaceful soon. Not sleeping can absolutely destroy you mentally. I am still feeling the effects of what it did to me over 6 months ago, and the nasty spiral it took me down.
Now look up “cashew apple”.
Things are not always what you may have once assumed.
RIP Mary Ann
Not sure how the weather is where you guys reside. At my place, We’ve been under a heavy snowfall warning again since last night. Expecting 10-15cm of more snow today. And 5-10cm fell last night.
Good thing I shoveled my driveway when I did earlier as the snow was deep. Also expecting power outages in my area again due to the storm.
i’m gonna go out on a…“limb” and say, that’s just…“nuts”.
think its suppose to rain all day tomorrow. honestly, i had no real interest let alone desire to venture anywhere. did that too much today as it is. =_=
I have been enjoying some rain today. It’s a little chilly, but not bad.
I take it you moved to Austin from California then. We had a harsh storm here in LA the other day.
I did in August. I mentioned it in one of the other lounges.
Ahh. Must have been about the time I was finally able to get back to the game with a new computer. Austin is cool, but San Antonio is better in my opinion. There is a restaurant to the west on the inner loop called the Magic Time Machine you will want to go to when you can.
I got a game on my phone due to an ad. It is now one of my favorite games to kill time. Called Bowling Crew
I should not be left alone with expensive backflow incense burner kits.
Watched soul it was a soulful movie to say the least good watch.
Have had water pressure issues in my second bathroom since we bought the house. Since I have pretty much been ostracized from my room, and now use that shower, I decided to fix the issue today.
Went to Lowes and got a new shower head. When I got home I removed the flow restrictor from the inside. It now feels like the pressure will peel my skin and I bloody love it. Huge upgrade.
Imagine water bill will go up. Don’t care. Totally worth it.
Best shower I ever had was at a casino that is no longer in existence. The steam set off the smoke alarm, and the water pressure was almost painful.