[CS Lounge] Holidays in Shadowland

Long time ago, my best friend and I made a pact. If we were to ever go bald, we would embrace it, and just shave it. No combover to hide it. No ring of hair. Straight up shave. We both had full lush heads of hair. Yeah, he still has a full head of hair the jerk. I on the other hand have been shaving it for over a decade. Really like it actually, just not the act of doing it haha.


:rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

Same. My brother started to thin out and go bald in like his freshman year of high school, so he started to shave his out of some kind of fashion “necessity.” He always messes with me about it, like, “you have hair, why would you shave it?”

I also worked at a Senior center for a time, none of the old folks could grasp why a “young’un” would voluntarily shave their head. Like, literally shake their heads and ask what was wrong with me LOL. :laughing:

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I’ve worked in the service industries almost all my working-life. Retail/grocery, phone sales, bookings, tech support. Like the GMs and SFAs here I’ve had people make snide remarks to me about me following company rules.

I played “Lord of the Rings Online” during it’s beta, but I don’t think I’ve even logged in there since. It might have helped if I had read the books before trying to play. My geek-card might be in question if I admit I still haven’t read the books or seen the movies.

I’m an altoholic. My main account has 50 characters, none of which are under level 40. I have a 2nd NA account that I started for an RAF reward before the revamp. It’s only half-full and most are low-level. At the time I used it mainly to add alts to my guilds.

One month after Classic released I realized I was playing it because it was starting over from scratch and not because I like it. I prefer the QoL changes in Retail. So I started an EU account. I redid WoD, Legion, and BfA pathfinders. Numbers-wise it doesn’t have quite as many characters as my 2nd NA account, but I have more of them leveled over 40.

I have arthritis but can’t use pain killers. WoW is my pain-management plan. PvP is my stress-reliever.

I don’t have a WoW problem. It loads fine when I press PLAY.


This sounds appealing to me, in some way. Hmmm…

/SLAPS my own wrist.

I also have tons of alts; I think I am in the 35-ish range, with a single 60 (this one), a dozen 50s and the remainder at various stages of their own adventures.

I’ve always been an MMO-type-of-guy, even when that wasn’t a term and the “online dungeons” I frequented were in ASCII. I did LotRO too, but never stuck with it. I was big on Asheron’s Call back in the day, dabbled in Everquest too. I was much busier back then … had I the time I probably would have lived and breathed them like I do WoW.

Good to get to know you folks. :grinning:

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spoiler tags for obvious reasons…

Mandalorian season finale spoilers

“Talent without training is nothing” was that an inadvertent jab at the prequels?

saw a clip on youtube pertaining to…that. and someone said it sounded like it, but thought i’d get the opinion of loungers who’ve seen the season finale anyway. .-.

only one benedict cumberbatch.

It’s looking like I am gonna be seeing the end of this nightmare. I am feeling a bit much better. And I am finally able to eat something with out throwing it up.


Not if you make him eggs, Benedict Cumberbatch.


Glad to hear that.

I worked at Target for 11.5 years. Before that I was a Dental Hygienist. Two jobs where you see the worst in people. :wave:t2:

Oh, and make sure you talk about food! Share recipes! There’s quite a few foodies here. :bowl_with_spoon:



Lol i chuckled at that.




Not true. Scotty survived.

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Scotty transgendered who knew mite want to reread the top line.

I found a way to make chili dogs even less healthy better!

Chili dog eggrolls: take an egg roll wrapper, add a spoonful of chili sauce (from a can, you heathens!), some cheese, a bit of diced onion, and a hot dog. Wrap and fry for about 2 minutes, flip, fry 2 minutes more.

(This is significantly simplified, I’ll post the recipe if anyone really wants it.)



It depends on how you read it. I read it as implying the only red-shirts to survive were women, which isn’t true. The other way to read it is that the only women to survive were red-shirts, also not true.

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I read it as the only women that wore red shirt that survived TOS.

Nurse Chapel survived.