[CS Lounge] Holidays in Shadowland

More Grogu tonight!


Tonight? I thought new episodes dropped on Friday?

Thursday night at midnight.

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I’ve seen one drop at 12:30 and others a little later.

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I’ve been unnecessarily depriving myself for an extra day. :frowning_face:

Thanks for the info (posted in another thread), Mirasol, I wasn’t aware of that. Either that, or I had forgotten I was aware of that.

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Boo! They had us all hyped up that we might get to see the Northern Lights. Now they are saying nope maybe next time. :frowning_face: :sob:


Something I would LOVE to see

I’m in an area where if it wasn’t cloudy tonight, I’d be able to see them…but it’s not looking very promising :frowning:

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Oop. Blindsided!

The Game Awards starting in five minutes and I’ve been convinced for two months they weren’t until Sunday.

Sitting at our local “Christmas in the Park” 6th grade band concert. My grandson is playing his sax and doing a great job.

We are of course wearing masks and maintaining a safe distance from others.

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Haven’t seen them in many years, and only once at this latitude.

And it’s always cloudy where I live now.

I cannot decide if I want Ashley Johnson to win or Laura Bailey to win for Last of Us 2

That Ark 2 trailer was a roller coaster.

Watch a little rams pats. Switch to critical role in a bit. Call it a night and finish CR tomorrow on VOD.

Plans may change. Just slipped on wet tile in my kitchen. Tweeked my already bad back. Really bad. Tears have stopped but I am on A LOT of pain atm.


Eek! Wish you a speedy recovery!

/gentle hugs


Oh Masta! I hope you’re okay. I’ve watched so many injuries happen this week at the kids’ school due to icy/wet/snowy conditions…

Take care of yourself bud!


I have some muscle relaxers specifically due to my back. Took one just waiting for it to kick in. Tomorrow will be the teller.


Well that Smash announcement wasn’t a surprise really. Still good though.

Marvel/disney are gona have a amazing year.