It’s nearly 3am. Dauth is snoring like a… well, something very loud.
And I’m stuck in Torghast.
It’s nearly 3am. Dauth is snoring like a… well, something very loud.
And I’m stuck in Torghast.
Do what my wife does and smack me really hard until I roll over?
Luckily, it is hard for me to snore anymore, as I sleep with a CPAP machine. It is pretty much designed to stop me from snoring by virtue of stopping me from not breathing in my sleep lolol
Are you sure. With the snoring I would think it was the Maw.
Now I have a NE at 50. Of course this one doesn’t have armor patched in yet too.
Ugh I don’t want to go home.
If I go home I am gonna have to clean. I don’t wannaaaaaaaaaa
For the first time in 800 years Jupiter and Saturn will line up and make what they call the Christmas star. It’s supposed to be quite bright. One shining spot for 2020.
The way my luck goes it will be cloudy.
And Mars not far behind them in the sky heading towards sunset.
When is this supposed to happen? That sounds really cool and I want to take a peak
finally managed to get the Underlight Angler on Reg here…well, pretty soon my forum character will be a paladin, rather than a Hunter…but i still got it on my Dwarf Hunter none the less.
Pizza. It’s what’s for dinner.
Deluxe for me. Garlic butter and Roma seasoning on the crust
All Meat for the boys. Garlic butter on the crust
And thin crust chicken and tomato for the wife with garlic butter, roma, and parmesan
I want to get to the Covenant quests concerning De Other Side. I keep having to drop out of that dungeon cause it’s clearly part of the Night Fae Campaign and I don’t want spoilers.
Any idea what the item that guy is complaining about is im kinda curious.
Lol oh my im taking offense to perls comment that theres no religion in wow how dare perl insult me worshiping elune praise elune.
/shakes 8-ball
/ * It is decidedly so.
Well, my 8-ball religion seems to agree with one of us!! Haha!
What wow realy needs is a giant spaghetting monster all hail pastafarianism.
Gotta say, I do kinda like the sassy Perl tonight.
Let’s just say that I’m looking forward to the holidays!
We had a family test positive (3 kids in 3 classes) at my kids’ school on Friday…it’s going to be an interesting week this week as I work at their school too (with no interaction with the infected kids thankfully).
The next two weeks might be a little stressful deciding whether or not to keep my kids there too before the holidays. Might be a day-by-day or hour-by-hour sort of thing.
/puts out Timbits and Coffee (in full PPE) for the lounge
Thankfully JRhigh to HS is all virtual learning and k-6 is still inschool tho my 2 nieces are VR schooling regardless also it helps since my 3rd niece is battling lukemia in remission tho still scary.