[CS Lounge] Holidays in Shadowland

Now that the Overwolf site transfer is pretty much over you may see some addons marked as abandoned.

They may not be abandoned - Overwolf needs addon authors to consent to having their user information transferred from Twitch to Overwolf so any addon projects where the author hasn’t signed the consent form get marked as abandoned.

Please refer to this thread for enquiries -

Also please encourage any addon authors you find with addons marked as abandoned with recent updates to please sign the consent form. The process is fairly speedy.


That’s what it is. It is on the inside that cannot be seen. Hope it did not wear you out too bad bud.

Tried again with the new system and successfully soloed Lich King 25H. No mount.
Also did my first Dragon Soul run. Spine is annoying. No mount from madness.

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i don’t think i’m brave enough to attempt that…much as i’d LOVE to get Invincible. still bothers me how “Johnny Awesome” gets TWO, and here i struggle to even see ONE drop. <_<

for now, i’m just working on professions, then i’ll work on getting to 60…after that, i’ll work on trying to unlock flying in BfA, cause i’d much rather have flying on my alts before i even THINK of doing war campaigns on my Horde main.

Not only that but his second one was BoE and he sold it to someone.

ikr? he could’ve sold it to US…he could’ve GIFTED it to US… :unamused: :stuck_out_tongue:

still trying to get the armor sets for my Hunter…not sure how people are able to get full sets in Classic so easily, when i’m struggling to get even just ONE to drop. @_@

though now that i think about it, i could’ve race changed Horatio to a Dwarf, and gotten the Broznebeard heritage armor set. ah well. worries for another time i suppose.

Ill live. /10

The picture didn’t show for me. Just a generic costco page saying item not found. It does sound like the snowman I’ve had for years. He’s a tough old guy. :snowman_with_snow: :snowman:

anyone else having issues with lag? i’m not even in Shadowlands at all and i’m struggling to type in guild chat, and getting DC’d a lot so far tonight. .-.

I’ve been playing my EU license with no issues. I’ll check my NA one.


Playing on Bloodhoof/Duskwood. In BfA zones. I’m not having any issues. I’m on Bell.

Got such a long grind ahead of me. Trying to get honored with the Avowed for an alchemy recipe.

If they were on the death star They would probably fall down the reactor shaft lol.

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Yes, because everyone knows that Stormtroopers couldn’t hit the side of a barn while standing right next to it.


They’re fodder anyway.


Welp looks like my DH here is perm parked as she can’t advance the storyline because she can’t seem to get past Warden Arkoban for the first Torghast questline with Baine. Man I suck at melee, hopefully they adjust it a bit cause it seems excessive.

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Yeah I found that quest quite tough to do solo. I had to run it several times before the right anima abilities and the right boss spawned. Have you looked at putting a group together for it?

I might have too, I also looked and my iLVL looks a bit low… I didn’t have any kind of trouble though with my hunter and her gear was worse then this girls. It seems that all the comments I can find on this are pretty much what you said, you need to get a lucky RNG with anima abilities or be really really good at moving while fighting (which I admittedly suck at).

I will probably try and run it with a group once Brae get’s her Hordie leveled. I was mainly being hyperbolic because it was frustrating. Also I’ve been hyperbolic since before I was born (see what I did there?)…

Well, my BNet ID is Thundertotem#1365, if you need a group and I’m available, I’ll go.


I’ll run it with you if you like.

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Thanks guys I will let you know if I need you. :slight_smile: <3

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