[CS Lounge] Aik's Popcorn Party for all!

Her response to the backlash was “You can still use it after”. And second response was that she’d put a roll on our desks that we could pick up (with an aside about taking it from the building bathroom). :woman_facepalming: I wouldn’t still be working there if she was actually in charge of me.


:astonished: I just got a robo call on my cell phone offering prepaid funeral expenses in this time of crisis. :astonished: Bottom feeders are rising to the surface. :shark:


Theres a special place in hell for people that exploit people in times of adversity they realy need to rethink there priorities if they choose to exploit.


We just got the notice that our state will shut down on Friday.

School starts again on Monday.



Wait, that confuses me a little bit. The state shuts down and school starts 3 days later? LOL

Our governor ordered all non essential business closed. Hobby Lobby refused as of now, so my wife ran out to grab some canvass real fast before they do inevitably lose and close down. She loves to paint, and is currently getting her anxiety out by painting a series of pestilence, death (those two are done), and she is going to work on war and famine next. Her death came out AMAZING.

I think, but have not followed close enough, our school has been called for the year, and everything else will be done electronically. Not positive though.


/round of random hugs


To address your confusion Mast, all classes are now online throughout the university system. My class is online so there were minimal issues.

The question is whether the universities will extend the current suspension. It’s a wait and see game. Minute by minute.

They’re still trying to figure that sort of stuff out here too. They can’t necessarily go full digital as not all homes have access to technology or they might have multiple kids and one computer.

I honestly don’t know what they’re going to do. On top of that, our kids are basically house-bound now. No play-dates, no parks. We got out for a bike ride today at least and we’ve been doing daily walks (social distancing from others) and that’s about it!


Wife just got back from Hobby Lobby. She had planned on waiting until Friday when we get paid, I told her to just take it out of what he had set aside to pay our state income taxes. That date has been pushed back and we have just not parted with the cash yet. She had no disagreement and I almost choked on the dust as she flew out the door to go get her supplies.

Good thing she went today. She learned as of business today they will be closing down per the order from the governor. I imagine this will be the situation for a lot of people.


I need to recruit more minions to send on missions. Like retrieving snacks and drinks for the lounge.


Isn’t that what interns are for? :eyes:

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been a long few days for me, i’ve been dealing with some minor anxiety though i mostly blame the winos ignoring the “social distancing” rule honestly.

/puts out fresh coffeh, cold drinks, baked goods and sweets for the lounge


Do you have any of these? :cocktail:


/pours Misbecky a Juggling Yosh (if you get the chance, search youtube for “Super Drunk Bros Mario is Missing” Jirard and Alex play Mario is Missing, while under the influence of alcohol. good for a laugh, especially in these trying times. :stuck_out_tongue:, but they also instruct you how to make the beverage they make, which as Alex describes at one point, “tastes like a melted sucker”.)

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Another grocery trip braved. No sign of TP. My household should have at least a week left, but not much beyond that.

I’m thinking that next Tuesday, I get up at the crack of dawn to head into HEB when it opens in order to try and get some…


My sister is a MA (medical assistant). She’s worked in dr offices for years. She had to sign a form today that says she will go where ever the hospital system her dr is affiliated with needs people. She has never worked in a hospital ever. She is terrified.

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i’ve got two full rolls left, and i get paid on Fri. hoping there’s a package available, as i’ll likely be taking a trip down early enough to get what i need to last me a week or two.

once i pay my bills, i’ll see if i have enough funds to get Animal Crossing. though i may be forced to get the digital version, as i want to avoid using public transportation, and going out, unless i have no option at all. .-.

My son says Target needs to close. Today it was busy with moms bringing in bored kids to play in the toy department while they browsed thru clothes. Very few were in the food department. They run around and touch everything. The employees are at risk but they have to come in. It is nuts. What is wrong with people?


someone i know on FB would refer to people like that as “Covidiots”…and for good reason.

they’re only causing more harm than anything. because when if a self-isolation does get enforced, it’ll be for a LOT longer than originally planned, because people refuse to listen to common sense and insist on helping the virus not only thrive, but spread out even more.


Just before we were locked down my husband went to Microcenter. Everyone lined up outside and only ten people were allowed in at a time. Each person was escorted by an employee. They were asked what they wanted and were taken to where it was. There was no browsing and touching. Smart move on their end.