[CS Lounge] Aik's Popcorn Party for all!

I am over today. I am over lazy. I am over excuses. I need to gk home take a shower and sleep my attitude off.

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lvl 54 now. much further than i was the other day…though i kinda wanna spend the rest of the night, watching Animal Crossing streams.

Ugh anyone get the # of that truck that hit me was doing so well till today blech.

That’s why they declared a state of emergency. It’s so the police can enforce the no gatherings of more than five people and people who ignore the quarantine can be arrested/charged.


OK, I am home. I am showered. Wife made some chicken wings for dinner. They were yummy. And to top it off, I picked up a banana split on the way home. Grumpy mood is fading. It is just leaving a void of exhaustion now. Watching Critical Role Episode 69 right now, waiting for the break, then I am going to go and crash. This story arc has me consumed and I really want to know what is going to happen.


ahh, THAT’S why i don’t pug Blackrock Spire either. group barely lasted 2 mins in and it disbanded, due to people outright refusing to run LBRS and one person saying they were lost. @_@

guess i can just spam Zul’Farrak or Stratholme for the next 5 lvls, so i can get flying. .-.

I wonder if they are trying to see enough parents pull their kids out so they can argue if the schools need to close or not.

On the bright side…more Bug Hugs.


I got a positive update!!! I met a awesome woman and I’m falling head first for her my heart is on cloud 9 :slightly_smiling_face:


No, I think it’s more about making sure the parents who have no choice, have somewhere for their kids.

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Ok. Hit reset. Monday came too quickly. Today is by far my hardest work day of the week. Just came off two doubles and back in the morning, but not as a cook.

Today is the day I move extremely slow like turtle slow haha.

mundane rant inc:

the postmaster needs to stop sending me useless garbage that i didn’t loot. reason i didn’t loot it in the first place, is because i don’t want things that barely cost a few pieces of copper. .-.

#StandardWoes #StandardProblems

on a side note, my Tauren is halfway to 60 now. once i get flying, i can explore and maybe work on archaeology on the side, try to get extra exp, while queuing for dungeons and such.

kinda tempted to see how far i can get with this buff, before i cave and opt for a boost, and i’m not doing too shabby atm. went from lvl 32, to halfway through 59 in just a few days.

Well, it’s looking like my brother and his wife may not be able to come down for his birthday in April. Boo.

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:frowning: Yea, trips having to be canceled stinks!

I did see a “Drive-thru baby shower” being shared on Facebook which I thought was pretty clever :smiley: They just setup a table that people could come leave their gifts on and drive off :laughing:

Also, good morning everyone and happy Monday!


Well they put my State on lockdown starting tonight. 1300 or so people have the bug and 13 deaths so far. And it snowed. I haven’t been out of the house since food shopping last Tuesday. I will venture out tomorrow and see if there is any food.

I got my cloak to rank 14! I did my first full clear today. I’m so proud of myself! :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:. I got a mask and it told me to put it where it belongs but there is nothing there. My other characters see the mask pedestals but her room is empty. She’s never seen them. Hopefully it will be there when I go back in. I need 8 more pages to finish but no keys. I used up a bunch helping others. Not a big deal, I will get more in time.

My son just got home from work with an id that says he is an essential worker and is allowed to be out. He stocks at Target. Lowly old stock people are important now. I always felt they were but that’s just me.

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My dad got a letter saying he is an essential worker just in case he gets stopped. He says the traffic to work over the weekend was about the same at night as usual even with a stay at home order.

Hoping we don’t get to that poi t but working in a nursing home fairly certain I am considered an essential worker as well.

I am not what’s considered an essential worker, but since I just do office work, my company moved me to work from home.

Ditto for my partner, though they were holding out until an order from the governor required it.

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It’s very quiet in downtown. A couple of peeps walking about.

School shut down in the middle of spring break two weeks back. It doesn’t pick up until next week. Then it will be a rush to finish the semester on time.

I’m not an essential worker :neutral_face: I’ve no place to be.

The 100% xp gain is quite fun. I’ve been leveling a few toons quickly. There are also the Star Trek marathons going on for additional distractions.

Stay strong and safe everyone. :popcorn: :popcorn:


Our schools are closed until April 13. I guess everything here is closed until then.

I think I’m going to make some martini mix like I used to a loooong time ago. Put a jalapeno in a Beefeater gin bottle and let it sit for a day. Put the bottle in the freezer. It won’t freeze but it will get real cold. Pour it in a glass with a bit of vermouth and an olive and sit on the couch and watch a movie. :cocktail:

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i’m still unemployed…kinda glad at this point really. i doubt my anxiety can handle the stress of retail atm, especially with the “social distancing/self-isolation/quarantine” in effect. >.<

yeah, my Hunter is now at lvl 63. i’m just trying to level up professions, but i’m finding it a tad rough when everything scales up with you in Standard. .-.