[CS Lounge] Ahh home, let me come home~ šŸŽ¶

Man that just gave me a chill. I wish I had words. Occasionally I will get hit with a thought that something has happened to my wife and i will just get a tear. Irrational, I know. And that is just a made up thing. I cannot even BEGIN to imagine. I wish I had words. I wish I knew her the way others here did as well. I feel like I missed out on a great opportunity not coming over to this forum so many years ago.

I can giggle to myself when Perl talks living underground under the snow, I read the stories. I can snicker to myself when people try to argue with twulf, the OG wulf over here. I will never get a reference to her. I will never know a touching remark that a lot of the others share fondly.

That is the legacy she left. Those are the lives that she touched. That somebody like me would know that I know that I missed out is saying something about the impact that she made.

All I can offer is the biggest of bro hugs and offer what little support I can and hope that my words can scratch the surface of a memory of the type of person she was, and perhaps crack a wry smile on your face for even a split second.

Hang in there

/hug my friend



Thank you :slight_smile:


And boom, hit the 20k. :smiley: Meanwhile, Blake has opened up enough that sheā€™s beginning to make a nuisance of herself while I play on the computer and my PS4. Fun times XD


Only 5.8k for me =/

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Youā€™ll get there! Just like Blu suggested: Pick a couple topics that are a couple thousand strong and just scroll on through. I used my mouse rather than Page Down because the page would start freezing up if I moved too quickly, but in either case, it still counted. Should be done in a couple hours, if that.


Yep; Works like a charm; Iā€™ve did this on many of my Characters.

Aehl; I havenā€™t lost my spouse yet but I was there for my Father for the last 2 years, 4 months of his life while he was totally bedridden and held his hand when he went his last 33 days without being able to swallow anything; No food or water, I would just wet his mouth so that it wouldnā€™t be too dry; Finally after 33 days on Dec. 21st 2003 he drew his last breath; I promised him that I would do the same for Mom when her time came.

Now here I am caring for Mom in her last days as she is dying a very slow death of renal failure; Itā€™s a miracle she made it through the holidays but with the help of many researches on the forums and even a thread here in GD I found ways to extend her life but I know the time is getting closer for her as she now sleeps 12- 16 hours a night; I will be there through to the end holding her hand as she draws her last breath and fulfill the promise I made to my Father (Which I would still do even without the promise).

I personally believe we shall all meet again in a better place after we die and I often have dreams of loved ones that have passed of this place in time and wake up with peaceful feelings knowing that we will meet our loved ones when we ourselves pass

This is what keeps me going and until that time comes I just keep breathing in and out knowing deep within my heart they are waiting for me on the other side.

But still I think of better times I had with them and the good times we all shared and wish that my Father could be here with us because I know he would have loved Warcraft and the many other games we played together like Tiger Woods PGA Tour was one of the favorites we would play against each other in the mid to late 90ā€™s.

Be strong and keep in mind that we will all meet again in a better place; Thatā€™s all we have to go on while weā€™re still alive here on this earth.

My Prayers go out to you and yours during this troubled timeā€¦


I have a weird craving for Dunkin Donuts coffee.


Got asked if I could cover at work today. Cook had a family emergency. So I am standing here all.


Hi all, been away for a little while. Big life changes are scary.


With Gnomes lounging in it?

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Just my queen. She upset at me because I called her FF15 character ugly and wanted to kill it with fire and bury it.

I donā€™t know why sheā€™s upset. :rofl::rofl:



Happy Valentineā€™s day everyone.

And Happy Lupercalia to any dead Romans out there.



Stay safe all.

ā€¦(darn posting characters)




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You too!!!

Old man :tada:

edit: found emojisā€¦ Iā€™m so old school


You presence and input are greatly missed.

For the newer crowd ,Aik is an original CSFer. Aaaaaaaaall the way back. First iteration of the forums.


Have always lurked here.

Enjoying other parts of lifeā€¦ just like everyone.


Welcome back our neck of the woods, bro.


Happy Valentines Day :heart:. My husband and I agreed just after we were married that we wonā€™t celebrate the small holidays. We donā€™t do birthdays, anniversarys, candy days, and things like that. Instead, we go out to dinner every Friday night. I enjoy that so much more than just one day!:cut_of_meat::hamburger::pizza: