[CS Lounge] A New Year! 20-Years of WoW!

You guys are evil then again i do chocolate covered brussel sprouts on. April 1


Caramel onions.


OMG the new wonka movie looks sick.


It’s a great homage to the Gene Wilder movie.

As good as Jonny depp was in his remake, nothing tops gene wilders

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Well bad news good news my first refund request with skip was denied so i contacted them directly via facebook got them to understand and they were willing to refund to my CC or my skip accout and apologized i took the credit and thanked them for willing to work with me.


I ruffled some feathers on the home front. I announced on FB that I wasn’t taking any phone calls for a few days. I was gonna take a few mental heath days… Family did not like that, Dad was like “Do it!, you need a break.”

So I spent the day yesterday, cleaning. Cleaned my Room and Workstation, cleaned up the bathroom and got a ton of laundry done. It’s amazing what you can get done when you don’t have people pestering you.


Many cudos to you storm. I wish you the best. I just went back to work this week after missing two months due to mental illness.


Reinstalled D4 to try the new season and a Druid. Lucky for me the little spider pet had a taunt. I turned the first corner of the first dungeon and, “FRESH MEAT”
The taunt triggered on him and I was just able to reach the entrance as he caught back up to me. He didn’t make me jump, which was a surprise. The fact that I didn’t get hooked was also a surprise.


Just popping in to say hi. It’s been ages since I have posted, but I’ve been lurking in the shadows. No Merdrah, you can’t eat me!


I know some people might feel like that is not a “break”, but it was what YOU wanted to do! Grats!

I have serious mental health challenges that have taken years to get stable. I find cleaning is one of my go-to stress reducers:

  • I have control over what I am cleaning/doing. Nobody else.
  • It makes me slow my brain down a bit and focus, make a plan.
  • I can expend a ton of nervous energy on it instead of whatever else my brain was doing.
  • Clutter and dirt cause me stress and make me more depressed. Vicious cycle really. Cleaning up helps change my outlook about the things around me.
  • I can see immediate positive results when cleaning. Unlike a lot of life where you see no results, or they show up a long time later. Many jobs don’t give a lot of immediate feedback. That positive reinforcement of seeing something cleaned/organized is good for my brain. Kind of like doing achievements in game.

The clean and organized environment ends up being a much better place to focus on sorting out the rest of my issues. Cup of tea, nap, bath, journal, whatever. Quiet and peaceful.

Hope you continue to feel better! It is so so important to take care of yourself! Kudos to you for recognizing that you needed that time, and for communicating it to others. Dad is pretty awesome for respecting your wishes and encouraging you!

:dracthyr_blob_dance_animated: :dracthyr_blob_dance_animated: :dracthyr_yay_animated: :dracthyr_yay_animated: :dracthyr_yay_animated: :dracthyr_love_animated: :dracthyr_love_animated:


usually, my mental health pallet cleanser is building and painting wargaming stuff, but it felt good to clean and see immediate results.

Dad and me are discussing about having a maid service come in twice a month to clean.


Heads up folks. I am sure GD and others will discuss it. Major ATVI/Xbox layoffs, Ybarra leaving and Allan Adham (one of the founders), Blizzard survival game cancelled.


Amazing this happy thread has come to a screeching halt. Dare I say it… WoW’s roadmaps just got altered too…

here’s what needs to happen. Whom ever is left in charge at blizzard needs to step forward and post on the forum/web site/youtube and explain what these layoffs mean and either reassure US that things are still on track, or do we need to start looking for a new gameworld…

At least Bobby got a…checks notes “graceful exit” from the company. Too bad others won’t get the same courtesy.

I’m so glad you were able to do that! It’s very therapeutic being able to accomplish something for yourself.

That’s totally me. It doesn’t matter if I’m angry, stressed, anxious or even happy. It’s absolute therapy taking your time getting things straightened and cleaned up.

Exactly! That helps my ADHD so much because clutter and disorganization seem to make it worse.

This is terrible. :broken_heart: It’s heartbreaking to hear of all the people losing their jobs. I hope they’re able to find new employment soon.


Hi all. Probably my last post on the forums. Been posting since 2004. The heart of Blizzard was just ripped out :broken_heart:

So long, and thanks for all the fish.


I’m so sorry. I wish you good luck wherever your adventures take you. :dracthyr_heart: :people_hugging:


Cant say im surprised that microsoft is doing this and people were looking forward to the buyoutevery action has its consquences.

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It’s coming with five other industry giants this month, as well. Let alone the past several months.

Anyone paying attention to the market saw this coming from miles away.