Crystal Spire of Karabor

So I got the Crystal Spire of Karabor during Timewalking Raid, on my Resto Druid. This weapon was quite good back in the day but I have no idea how it stacks up in modern content. It has the healing proc, but no secondary stats.

I can’t find any recent info about this anywhere. On Wowhead all of the comments are from ~2007. Any input would be appreciated.

Max level I’m assuming? What is the heal amount? It would have to be pretty substantial for me to give up secondaries.

At lvl 515, the proc amount is 38,402.

I tested it in a M+ and the proc did about 2% of my healing, so not super impressive. Not sure if it will be better in a raid.

Differing a bit from the original description, it now says “Your healing spells have a chance to do an additional 38,402 healing. This occurs more frequently when healing low health targets.”

It doesn’t give any versatility or any secondary stats at all. I believe that the old page shows versatility, because it used to give spirit/mp5, but all regen stats were converted to versatility when regen stats were removed. And apparently later on, the versatility itself was removed also.

Definitely doesnt sound worth it, to me. Unless you are able to reach stat breakpoints without it, but even then, I cant imagine it feels good to lose secondaries on a Resto Druid.

Well it’s a one-hander, not a two-hander, so the amount of lost secondary stats isn’t astronomical, but not irrelevant either. “breakpoints” aren’t really a thing for Resto Druid anymore in modern WoW as HoTs now finish with a partial tick regardless of your haste, etc.

I think it’s more comparable to choosing a trinket with a proc vs using a stat trinket. But while a trinket such as Blossom of Amirdrassil can do >10% of your healing in some cases, this weapon proc seems like it would do maybe 3-4% in a “best-case scenario” (where you were constantly healing low-health targets) which wouldn’t happen very often in practice, especially for a class that relies on pre-healing and not simply reactionary healing.

Shame really. I got pretty excited when I saw almost nothing but good comments from when it was new. If they are going to update the item level to make it a “current” item, then they should update the proc and stats to make it relevant also. It’s obvious that the regen that originally came on this item was a big part of it’s power, and doesn’t seem to have been compensated for in any meaningful way after it was removed. I almost get the feeling that they purposefully err on the side of over-nerfing anything from timewalking in order to make things easier to balance on their end - but this also really ruins the allure of doing timewalking raids unless you’re just there as part of a sightseeing tour.

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