Cryo-Freeze Nerf - Lame

Guess the end of 2 dps 2v2, only heal a mage has gets nerfed by 40% (80% to 50%)
Double Mage 2v2 was the only reason to play the game :confused:

Why doesn’t Diverted Energy and Accumulative Shielding work with Mass Barrier, they are Barriers/Shields too, would be decent synergy to make these talents somewhat viable.

Mass Barrier shields stack with fire,arcane, frost, but why not fort 2 of any one type, makes no sense, 2 ice barriers should stack just like a blazing and ice etc…

and RoF, Ice Nova choice node is just stupid

incanter swiftness should be one point so remove curse isnt mandatory

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Guess its another expansion skip

Facts. I talked about this in my PvP Suggestion thread found here: Feedback: Mages - #464 by Ttvfungames-proudmoore

You can access it by typing !pvp in my twitch chat :smiley:

I did not know this did not work. Thank you for letting me know.

Correct and when you have 2 mages, the barrier they give absorbs 0 damage if you already have an ice barrier.



Correct and when you have 2 mages, the barrier they give absorbs 0 damage if you already have an ice barrier. NOT TRUE get both barriers if diff specs

Well yea lol. This was already described that blazing barrier and ice barrier stacked. We are talking 2 mages of the same spec.

I was thinking about this.