Crushridge Horde Reconnections

I remember you, Luna.

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How you doing? Was this mage the same toon you played as back in the day? Or were you on a different toon?

So I have this old screenshot from a convo I was having from a GM… It also coincidentally was one of those day before I switched to Horde where we had a massive chill out shesh in Alterac Valley, just being care bears. I spot Dreadlocks from Super Criminals, and Medusa… Forget what guild and not a clear enough image to confirm.
Sadly it will not let me post the link…


Most likely I will be playing with Niralie/Synova. Alliance, I think, on Whitemane.

Is zuldaer in that group? That guy took our warglaive. “Theyre taking our jobs” i miss all my old guildies especially the super criminals, and of course my eq crew. I probably didnt join eq until late in game so i dont remember a lot of the og eq, but i will never forget that warglaive ninja rofl

<3 its been a while! I was thinking of making a hunter in honor of you(grundis) and dreadlocks, and fishpaste(fp) but i dont think i can live in a world without my rogue ganking alliance scum off the face off azeroth. So we’ll see which server, but pvp for sure.

Bless my eyes its a family reunion in here.

The plan right now is to use one reservation for each East PvP server so we have until launch to figure things out.

To any of you OG Crushridge PvPers that know what we’re about, holler at my bnet- Hoodlum#11326

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I was Mandrear, an Orc Shaman. I would love to reconnect with people such as Zexion (Singapore), Datsme (New-Zealand), Wheresmeexel (US, Texas), and many more. They were my buddies back in the days but I haven’t heard from them for more than 10 years. I also used to raid with a guild named Super Criminals. Any old members of ‘‘SC’’ is welcome to message me. I will be playing Classic with Pinokio (Troll, Shaman) who was also a member of Super Criminals. Best.


Played as Harsh, Shibari with PvP, Furvos Latros, Malevolent.

Would like to find Wroth, SECHE, Angelofmorte, angelofvita, gorwrath, dregath, anyone from malevolent or FL. Great trip down memory lane looking at these posts.

Kodo Tap
Dead bat tap
10 man farmhouse 5cap
The naked sweep up
The sneak a deek

The playbook is open Hood

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So, uh, Aphext here. I can confirm I’m a shaman.

TMS linked up with PvP to form Inconceivable and raided through the end of vanilla. When TBC came out a bunch of people left incon and created The Retired Squirrels which raided through T5. We had several GMs quit–Stupid, Filth, I think–and that left Dieskae as our GM who, for lack of something more creative to say, could have been better. We disbanded after doing a few joint raids with TR – I think we got the server first High King Mulgar kill.

Dieskae and I joined EQ and raided through BT. Then people started leaving EQ and I can’t remember why. I “stopped subscribing” on my main account and switched to Landcaster (a druid, who I still play), and pugged ZA and other raids with Leyadin.

I’ll be on the look out for familiar faces so say “hi” if you see me =D.

Super Criminals will be rolling on Whitemane. Come roll there and help us troll raid /1 and demolish alliance.

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Come join us in annoying General Chat, ill even bring back the L2P fish.

Plaggue - Undead Rogue
Was in The Mutiny and mostly raided with sQuishy for all of Vanilla.

Started playing retail again in Legion (this is my Monk). Not sure which server I’m going to roll yet… probably going Undead Rogue though.

Any ol’ school CR players hit me up, Plagway#1521

Hello Crushridge Originals! Members of Super Criminals, new and old, and some old Rampage raiders are joining together in Classic for 40 man raiding. We will be on the pvp server Whitemane rolling horde. Message Volde on discord Volde#0723 or PQ#1608 to join.

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The Retired Squirrels was established in 2005 and Inconceivable wasn’t created until 2006. TBH I can’t remember who was GM between when Stupid quit and Quabraj took over though. I didn’t become a regular raider until towards the end of Kara - beginning of SSC. Inconceivable held pretty strong until towards the end of Wrath. Somehow I got stuck with GM and that was the nail in the coffin LOL

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Holy crapt, DW. Never thought I’d see you again. You inspired me to be an enhancement shaman <3

Lagu - Fire Mage, along with Sefiyah (priest) and Galgantius (warrior) from the TBC days in Incon. We’re all coming back for classic.

Actually randomly ran into Quab on proudmoore in WoD in trade chat and reconnected with him for a bit, he was still playing his shadow priest of course…

Punkbuster here.

Bannable Offense

I’m sure I know a lot more than just people from those guilds. Got a guild starting up on Whitemane. add me on bnet deal#11688

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Hey Dude, you mean Datsme the Orc Warrior? I’ll mention you when I see him, he’s a mate of mine. He’ll be stoked that some of the old guard remember him. (this is Solathrus from Crushridge days)

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Hey Lagu! Yep I remember all 3 of you. Glad I could inspire you. I left enhancement in Wrath for my DK Zhoutai and then left my DK for my DH Zhurong in Legion. I took a break halfway through wrath but cam back right before the end of it. Since then I have been just wandering about with no real purpose. Doesn’t bother me as I really don’t have time to commit to raiding. I just keep leveling more characters lol