Crushridge Horde Reconnections

Yooo! Totally remember you! Didn’t you have a son I used to pvp with? Maybe I’m getting that backwards but definitely remember you. Good times with those guys. None of them are coming back for Classic unfortunately as we still keep in contact.

Professorq undead priest from Rampage. I was part of the priest crew with Doomstress and HolyJoe and Chibipriest. What’s up Labathor? You still playing? I still have that Hydros kill clip you made. Me and Lysergicus are raiding with SC these days.

Were you in Rampage? your name sounds familiar?

Gvillains ride again Hood


What’s up man! It’s Holyjoe. Been a long time, I’m totally planning on rolling a troll priest again for classic.

Undecided if I am playing yet, but will play either warrior or shadow priest if I do.

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Sup Vanilla doods, recognize my mage hombres Clivene and Skyland

Crim, Undead Mage from PvP back in the day, hoping to get on the same server as the old Crushridge guys.


Golrath what is up man. A bunch of us are getting on the same east PvP server. We don’t know which one yet. It’s gonna be perfect this time around man. The Summerhouse awaits.

Rampone - Prot Pally

Selinum - Troll Hunter
I was in a few guilds as I mostly pvp’d. Made it to rank 8 playing solo.
I remember being in Overpowered, Business, and Resurrected.
I am terrible with memory, don’t know why but hate my long term memory is crap.
If anyone remembers my hunter help me jog my mind again lol.

Ya I was. I joined them mid Sunwell during the Burning Crusade. This toon was a BE Mage at the time. Chibi was guild leader and raid master. I was with the guild until mid Cataclysm, long after it died. Pretty sure I was the very last active person in the guild.

Pq stand for ProfessorQ?

When I do play these days, I’m usually on Proudmoore with Synova/Niralie. I know he is planning to roll alliance again.

I’m torn myself. I was a Horde Mage on Skullcrusher during Vanilla and pushed for Rank 14. Didn’t make it though thanks to 2.0 cutting me off just when it was my turn to get pushed.

If I play horde, I’ll be a Troll Mage again. If I play alliance, I’ll be a Night Elf Priest.

Somoma/ Enhancement Shaman

I used to be in a guild with Novaphoenix (fire mage).

I recognize your name! We have about 20 of us from equinoctis playing classic again. We set up a discord, come say hi.

Grundis long time no see/talk group of former equinoctis getting back together for classic

Tan/Targero its been quite some time!

Crim… Hello my friend! its been awhile.

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Hi, I don’t think I was around when you were in eq but around 20 of us playing again. Trying to figure out how to send our discord link to a few of you know.

Were you in equinoctis too? Name sounds really familiar.

Options … Distinct Advantage. Was actually looking for our kill videos from MC BWL and AQ but cant find anything!

Broly from equinoctis said he loves you and told me to send you this message.