Crusading Strikes In TWW

Not to sure if this is the proper place, but anyway…

Finally got on the beta and tried out the actual Talents we’re most likely to eventually receive (I still can’t believe how Blizz screwed up, giving us the old Talents from before). Although I’m sure Crusading Strikes will be relevant in TWW, nevertheless I tried out the Templar Strikes build.

Man, I’m almost concerned Blizz will look our way again. Gathering HoPo was NOT a problem in the slightest. And with Radiant Glory, we seem to have near constant access to HoW. Combine that with our other spells, even our generators are powerful and important to our rotation.

Now, of course tuning will ultimately decide if we’re gonna be viable, but as of now, ret feels real good to me. I’m really hoping Blizz doesn’t screw us over at the last minute. :zipper_mouth_face:

My only complaint: I wish they would make the visuals of Empyrean Hammers more brighter. I can barely see them (maybe I’m blind, I don’t know). :face_with_diagonal_mouth:

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Equally concerned about Ret viability, mostly in pvp. Getting a few but not most of the better talents from Beta on live now is a non issue for me, no current live Ret goals. I would have liked to see everything in prepatch and functional thats on Beta, but I’m sure that would be a bunch more work.

My Ret anxiety is from live experience, not beta experience. Dots dispelled, tierset Dots dispelled, Forbearance is a huge liability in pvp, dispelled defensives, Blessing of Spellwarding not warding magical CC, use BoS or BoP on anyone and then it puts both on CD for 4-5 min, dispelled and stolen utility like Blessing of Freedom, strongly visually telegraphed abilities like Avenging Wrath/Crusade and Divine Steed are CC magnets, tiny 1/20th of my healthbar WoGs with wings active is a pointless button in Prepatch, Justicar’s Vengeance is a wasted talent due to being pathetic compared to FV before it was nerfed a bunch. The amount of pvp specific nerfs to survivability, healing and damage is nuts.

I heal more as MM from the safety of twice the range and do much more damage while suffering from less crowd control. I want to see an incentive from design or damage improvements to play Ret at all.

Ret has no instant mobility, no disarm, no MS, no invisibility, no knockback, a very weak dispellable slow, gets inturupted and silenced if it uses Searing glare or Repentance, targets are no longer affected by blinding light if hit by a light breeze, if it cant get the average number of great pvp abilities/tools the other melee have, how bout the Devs let it do what it use to, good damage and healing.