Crusading Strikes for Retribution Paladin not working in combat

Dear Paladin Developers,

I am writing to bring to your attention a severe bug or issue with the Crusading Strikes ability for Retribution Paladins. I have recently encountered this problem during my gameplay and would appreciate if you could look into this matter.During various instances of combat, I have noticed that the Crusading Strikes for Retribution Paladin does not activate or function as intended and it severely affect the game experience.

Lastly, I would appreciate if you could look into this matter and provide an update on the status of this issue. Thank you for your time and consideration.

Warm regards,



I’ve noticed this too - Before 10.1 my Crusading Strikes was usually up around 3-4th on my DPS list in dungeons… I just did a dummy test on the big group in Valdrakken, and it’s down below consecration now


Yeah I agree… personally in the Retribution tree I notice a lack of fluidity when using Crusading Strikes talent as of 10.1 and during 10.0.7 too… have been sticking with Templar Strikes, perhaps the other one is more RNG based. Personally I take Crusader / Templar Strike over an RNG based passive (because of instance expressed in this thread). I noticed too… say it would make sense if there was some sort of indication or more intuitive approach to the proc-correlation, I too don’t entirely see the value in it’s function.

DJ Mystic d4nk

I just hope they fix the bug before the start of Season.
I’m not a big CS fan and TS doesn’t seem like a big deal to me either.

The rework did a great job reducing the amount of buttons, but we’re still stuck with a lot of buttons when compared to, say, Fury Warrior.

And let’s be honest, nobody likes TS.
Those who use TS is only because its damage is better than CSAA. The moment CSAA is 0.1% higher than TS they switch talents without thinking twice.

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(Raises his hand)

I like it. I like the animation, the feel, the power (for a basic), the 2% heal. I think it’s a great talent, myself.


I dislike ts, but there is another reason to take ts then it being stronger, if you are taking that talent node but skipping the holystrike node, it offers non-physical damage via radiant damage. Meaning it is not effected by armor.

Also CSSA has another hurdle it needs to overcome besides a normal damage boost, not being effected by windfury thus eliminating our ability to fully work with shamans over other melee dps that don’t have that weakness.

The damage on CSSA alone will never make up losing windfury buffs.

i agree and I wish to get some reply from game managers(copium)

I hope they fix it. I liked that I could offload some of button presses to autoattacks, even if it was less than optimal.

I like TS. A LOT actually. Combo abilities are fun and being able to generate 4 HP from ‘2’ TS charges is nice.


but you almost hardly ever push the buttons thats what feels bad to me personally. like if I spend the talent points I want to push it all the time. esp cuz the animation looks cool

hope csaa is fixed tomorrow. its not mentioned in the notes and we havent had one response since its been reported in the ptr

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In case people are looking, they have acknowledged the issue:

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finally 10 char

just a small not the 2% heal is from a different talent and works with Crusading Strikes as well, in fact its a little better case all your autos are healing you for 2% health

Heard it was fixed, is it true?

I just tested it on a dummy and my swing timer doesn’t stop like before, so it looks like it was fixed.

Looks like the bug was also updated that it was fixed:*19pc258*_ga*MTk3MTY2MjA0Ni4xNTUwMjQyMDQ4*_ga_VYKNV7C0S3*MTY4Mzc2NzMzNy4zNS4xLjE2ODM3Njk1MjEuMzQuMC4w