Crusader Strike Realm Temporarily Locked to New Players

Faction lock on pvp servers was removed because they needed to consolidate characters off all dead servers and dump them all onto Sulfuras, thus naturally combining factions for many people with their server management.

There’s no way in hell Blizz could have predicted that the majority of the streamers would end up on an RP realm.

Except they did, because the RP servers were delayed 10-15 minutes at launch. That was deliberate, with Blizzard hoping they would jump on one of the regular servers instead of waiting.

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but you’re just speculating. Do you actually have proof? A blizzard post, a blue dev response?

So it’s just a coincidence both RP servers were delayed the same amount of time right after WoWs biggest streamer announced he was going RP-PVP with the express intent of disrupting the RP-PVP community? :roll_eyes:


You can call it how you will. You can assume anything…
You have yet provide proof. That’s all I’m asking for, actual evidence.

Imagine thinking Blizzard would ever publicly admit this. :rofl:

Yea they did. I have a toon there, but I quit playing just because of that.

Im mainly on Lone Wolf. That one seems to be a very good server so far.

Did you miss the realm names before launch? They were joking at streamers, one was called Streamer Realm. They knew.

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The one called Streamer Realm was normal PVP, a not-so-subtle hint at them.


Heavens be praised it’s open! Don’t know for how long, but get in while you can

To blizzards credit, they even hinted about a possible 2nd RP-PvP server in that Realm Tab of the login. They were pointing at the normal PvP realm saying hey streamers, this is the streamer realm! They even called it the Streamer Realm in the description!

For those asking for proof, I don’t know other than an inside confession from Blizzard. This was clear to all, don’t choose the “grobbulus” RP-PvP realm streamers, go here → normal PvP

For all we know, they had resources prepped for handling two balanced Full realms, but instead we got one behemoth and 2 hour queues.


We need an ETA on when this server will be open again :frowning:

why can’t I log in to classic I have 2 characters created in crusader strike and the game is asking me to activate game time when I’m already paying a 1 year sub

Please re-open CS to Alliance only… this server is Horde-dominated at max level.

Horde always wins Ashenvale first (often 20% or more ahead of Alliance)

Server discord interest in Horde world buffs exceeds Alliance interest.

It’s open again. Quickly come before its locked again.

is that why the 300 bots are on other severs?

Is this confirmed?