Crusader strike Ashenvale Incursions unplayable for horde

In its current state, alliance control every layer on this server by like 10:1. Im not even sure what can be done to remedy this at this point. I guess only the alliance get to level from 40-50 fast and horde just has to settle for a level every 2 hours world questing or dungeon grinding.

should have taken the free transfer to the pve realm then

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PvP problems require PvP solutions.

Or reroll to a PvE server if you can’t hack it.

PS - I play horde on Crusader Strike and just got camped for over an hour in Ashenvale Incursion.

I gave as good as I got. 10/10 would do it again.

Lol you call yourself a horde playing on a pvp server complaining about pvp. Go to a free pve server and take the train. If you can’t handle the heat then stay outta the kitchen. As a horde you embarrass us. 10 to 1 odds means more kills for us. We are Horde! Lok’tar Ogar.

Go to a PvE realm.

Your problems are solved.

just more players that are being griefed from game content. Content they have paid for. So a few players can “pvp” at the expense of other players progressing.

I have seen at least 10 griefed players log off and never return to game. I’m sure it happens a lot.

These transfers are too late. The only real fix is just to have war mode. Let players choose if they want to PVP. There wasn’t enough room for everyone to transfer to Wild Growth. And some players didn’t want to leave their guilds. I mean this option wasn’t offered until players were lvl 50.

The OP has a valid concern. It may already be too late to fix this.

Weren’t there just alliance on this forum a few days ago complaining about the same thing for them?

Looks like they solved their issue. Time for you to do the same.

World pvp is one thing. It adds an actual danger while doing world content. Whats happening here isnt world pvp. Its complete control over content.

Or they can just quit since they cant handle the decisions they made. If all of horde crusader strike quit, my queue times will go down.