Crumbling ceremonial Vestments

The Legion Questing cloth set has, in my opinion, one of the best tops in the game.

This however is held back by the fact that Every. Single. Piece. with that model has a robe, leaving you no option to have a different robe or even pants.

There is exactly one item in the entire game with that model without the skirt.

A grey vendor trash item.

This is, in fact, a crime.

However it’s not an irreparable one. Here are my solutions to this terrible, awful, genuinely criminal injustice.

Give us an option to hide the robe portion of transmogs.

This is the most logical solution. This means any robe would be able to be cut down to just the top, which would dramatically increase the variety in cloth mogs across the board, and completely remove the need to have versions without the robe for any robed transmog from now until the end of time.

  • Pro - Applies to every robe in the game, allowing greater variety across the board.
  • Pro - Doesn’t have to affect a single item individually. Just the transmog system as a whole.
  • Pro- I get to use the mog I want.
  • Con - Requires changing the transmog system as a whole.

Make white and grey items transmogable

This would also be a logical solution, making this specific look transmogable without the hassle of having to change how transmog works.

  • Pro - Relatively easy to implement, just change the requirements for what saves an appearance to include White and Grey items you sell.
  • Pro - Also gives people access to the highly requested Pandaren starting area gear as mogs.
  • Pro - I get to use the mog I want.
  • Con - Does nothing to help robes that don’t have a version without the robe as a grey/white item.

Cut the skirt part off of half the versions that have robes.

This would solve this very specific instance of the problem, which would technically give me what I’m asking for, but fails to resolve the larger problems.

  • Pro - No major changes to anything. Just cut the bottom half of a few items off.
  • Pro - I get to use the mog I want
  • Con - Solves only this exact instance of this exact problem.
  • Con - Requires half a dozen items to be modified on a case by case basis
  • Con - After seeing the other, better, options players will defiantly call Blizzard out for half-assing their solution.

They don’t care about transmog in this game beyond what they can market.

So something like this will probably never happen.

But literally all they’d have to do is add an item, possibly from the Trial of Style vendor, that allows you to soulbind a piece of grey/white armor to add it to your collection.

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Why even go that far?

Just make white/grey items add their appearance to your collection when you sell them to a vendor.

The idea of needing to soulbind them is so you can’t get the appearance then pass the item around to all your friends so everyone gets it.

Granting the appearance when you sell it would have the same effect, so long as you lose the appearance if you buy it back.


poggers! they’re bringing greys in to being mogged! I also very very much want to be able to hid the robe portion, as robes just look awful on most mounts including my favorite the Ghastly Charger!
I’d like to sit side saddle if I must have a robe but thats slightly off topic