Cruel barb, hunter vs rogue(long story)

So the issue here is simple. +12 ap for you == +12 ap for the rogue; However that is all you get from this weapon (+12 ap or ~<1% damage increase), the rogue, on the other hand, gets 30 - 57 Damage with a speed of 2.80. while that does seem like a ton of difference, if I am not mistaken for rogues a lot of their abilities take into account their weapon damage and / or their weapon speed this can often mean that a single weapon update can result in a far higher damage increase (I have seen some weapons resulting in like 3-7% increase).

So while yes at face value the weapon does technically work for you as a hunter, it is infinitely more valuable to the rogue.

Not saying what you did is wrong, just wanted to explain the reality of the situation.

When in doubt I always find it better to just ask in groups “hey do you mind if I roll of that” so that they can explain why, while it might be some kind of an upgrade for you it means more to them.

Remember this is a social game and as such just because you can do something, doesn’t always mean you should.

Exactly. We’re talking about low level dungeon gear, not pre raid BIS.

No one is denying that the rogue would get more use out of it. Still, an upgrade is an upgrade. As long as the item is usable by their class, I don’t have a problem with them needing. If I lose the roll, I will be disappointed but won’t come crying to the forums over it. May the best roll win!

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Your primary stands alone. Rogues needing on a bow when its an upgrade to a hunter is a dick move vise versa

As a hunter I’d have needed on it if there was +agility, +int, or +spirit on it, regardless of whether or not there are other melee with me. The same would go for any item that’s an upgrade for me.

This thread has almost made me reconsider my policy of passing melee weapons to rogues and warriors. I do it to be nice, but the level of entitlement people display here makes me less inclined to be so. Fortunately the forums are only representative of the saltiest section of the playerbase.

Ultimately, you have every right to roll on upgrades, but it’s nice to be considerate of when things might be much more useful to someone else.

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You’re doing a great job in assisting the recreation of the term ‘huntard.’

Have fun getting your bow/gun taken by a warrior/rogue who needs it as a stat stick and pulling.

And you’re making it easy to not invite hunters if I make a warrior/rogue.

If I have bracers that are 3 int 1 spirit, and one with 3 int 2 spirit drop…and the other priest in my group ends up having white bracers, I will pass for him. Why? Because I put myself in their shoes, and I think it’s fair.

Is it required? No, but being a decent person never is.

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yeah last I checked the leaf didn’t drop every time. depending on how many hunters are in your raid you may not see the leaf and sinew until you are already in bwl.

in which case the faster weapon won’t matter, you will want an upgrade from that carapace spine xbow especially if we continue to be unable to fd drink

How about if the bracers have 9 int 6 spirit and the other guy said “don’t you dare roll you ninja”?

dps on a weapon has far more impact than just a bit of attack power. and btw, sword rogues are a thing, i certainly wouldn’t ditch a sword for a dagger, even if it had same dps, since dagger will have faster attack speed, therefore less damage per hit and therefore make my sinister strike weaker. leveling combat is the way to go, up until legion days anyways.

its pretty much common courtesy to ask a melee if you(a ranged) can roll on a melee weapon and vice versa. since the dps on the weapon will do far more for people that will actually use it to dps as opposed to using it just as a stat stick.

that said, i would’ve tried to explain that to you better than act like your guildies did, may want to look for another guild. with a guild leader like that, good luck to them.

Leaf drops 50% of the time, Eye drops the other 50% of the time. It might take a while to see sinews drop but that’s a few weeks if you’re unlucky as long as you’re actually killing Onyxia every reset. You’ll still want to use Carapace Spine Crossbow until rhok regardless.

You’re proving yet again that you’re clueless. Using Striker’s Mark over Carapace Spine Crossbow is a DPS loss because you’d start massively clipping your Aimed Shots on top of having much weaker Aimed/Multi shots due to the lower damage per shot since it’s a faster weapon. The same goes for Blastershot and Core Marksman Rifle. The pre-raid Xbows are BiS until rhok.

Feel free to use the theorycraft mastersheet to compare the different weapons.

Lol how do you possibly think this way. It’s baffling.

Eh, I think its a slippery slope to say “this class benefits from it more, so you should pass it to them”. I think its fine to roll on an item that is an upgrade for you, period. That said, if a gun drops and it has beneficial stats… its fair game for the melees to roll on it (and they will).

I think you did nothing wrong, but I think your mindset is wrong. Its not wrong for you to roll on stat upgrades. Its wrong to think that you need melee weapons. You don’t do damage with them, they are stat boosters, like armor. For a Hunter.

My line of reasoning is, at level 60 there are great stat boosting weapons that hunters need. To say they can’t roll on them at all if there is a melee class in the group is absurd. They need those pieces for the +agility they give and they have a right to roll on such things.

What you don’t want to do is roll on melee weapons that give strength.

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Holy textwall batman. It’s a low level pug, just take the sword and tell him to deal with it. If he can’t live with losing a cruel barb, I question his future when he loses dal’rend swords, which hunters will also take because these are best in slot pre raid weapons for them too. Quite often, the best stat items are also the best swinging weapons. You’re not under any obligation to pass them to strangers you don’t play with and don’t really care about.

Leveling a hunter, literally never melee.

If you are meleeing you’re doing it wrong and much slower than you should be.

Sure you CAN melee if you have to but as a hunter you really never have to if you play correctly.

Its 1.12 where rogues are kinda boo boo they need all the help they can get.

haha at this very moment a rogue needed hypnotic blade against me. Luckily I won.

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Not as bad as the Warlock who need rolled and won the cruel barb off of me, a warrior.

Based upon your forum subject alone, I can assure you cruel barb is a hunter weapon. Do not listen to the rogue, who only wants to grow his abnormally short e-peen.

I can’t believe how many people think there are different tiers to “need” in a dungeon.

If you need something, you need it. Who is it better for is not the question presented to you at the time to roll.

Pretend nobody else exists and ask: is this an upgrade? If so, roll. If not, greed.

Rogue lost something that’s really good for him? Dang, that sucks. But if it’s that good, maybe it’s worth another run through.

Not important enough to run again? Not important enough to cry over.

This is a terrible attitude to have.