Crucible of Carnage Faction camped

Is this going to be addressed or just swept under the “it’ll get better in time” rug? , this is not a dig at horde , they ahve every right to be there but honestly , 20+ horde stacking on the quest giver giving alliance zero options. Passive lock the crucible to prevent griefing and allow for either mob sharing or some sort of control.

Why are you pvp flagged?

buwt muh wowd peeweepee

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is this another case of pvp happening on a pvp server, or are you talking about people of the opposite faction tagging and stealing your quest boss?

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Have you tried killing them?


I flew over to CoC at 84, saw dozens of people standing on the NPC, left and finished getting to 85 elsewhere. They were all my faction I just didn’t want to wait in that line.

There’s a pvp solution to this.
But that’s neither here nor there. A lot of people are unable to do CoC because it’s a group tag only. It has nothing to do with factions.

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What are you on a pvp server for if you do not accept the pvp you are given?

Tbf, the design of Crucible is somehow worse than Ampi or RoB.

The NPC bugs out when anyone is clicking on it, but it will display the ‘!’ when it’s not ready so everyone clicks on it.

The message being “Can’t you see we’re in the middle of a battle!” when the battle has been over for 5 min.

Should just be instanced, tbh. I’ve wasted a good hour there and gotten exactly one quest done.

Edit- it’s not just a pvp issue, it’s just really bad game design imo, at least until the crowds clear out in a few weeks.

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