I think Devil’s only up to 20k per lock cookie!
I can beat his fee
I don’t think WoW allows those kinds of shenanigans outside of Goldshire lol
We are Crucial!
What’s so crucial about us?
Yeah Desicus….answer that one!
Crucial knows how to party!!! Woohooo
I straight up read the opening paragraph of your ad in a British accent.
But in an overly friendly lady-robot British accent from the intro of a movie about a dystopian world.
I like it!
Come join us! Discord is always a party!
But what KIND of party…depends on when you catch us
Bump bump bump.
This thread is like 5 posts behind the other one… bumpppppp it
You know female Taurens do exist
Did anyone else just get a craving for steak or is it just me
Cheeseburger for me please!
I don’t see nothing wrong with a little BUMP and grind
Oh lord…that’s gotta be Rynaa
Lmfao am I that easy to figure out
Well it’s pretty obvious when your name is the name of the priest you have IN OUR GUILD…dur lol