Crown of eternal winter gone?

My crown of eternal winter is gone along with the other mogs, maybe something happen with the update? anyone know ?

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My crown is still there. Try searching for it. You may have (un)favorited it, so it isn’t where you’re used to it being.

guessing this is it

mine is gone also :frowning:

having same bug issue on my account

Just discovered mine is missing too…

My crown of eternal winter disappeared last night during a duel. Curses. It’s nowhere

This is getting ridiculous… Since 9.1 this BS keeps happening every now and then. Last time it happened to me was about a month ago, then I had to delete my cache folder to make it work… Now it happened again and tried the same thing but… guess what… didn’t work this time. I know it’s a little thing, but it’s something we’ve paid for, and never before 9.1 had these sort of issues, at least for me.


I’m having this issue too… it should be on this character, but it just disappeared? :frowning: hopefully it’ll come back soon…

Update: after logging in this morning (12 hours later) it’s back.

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My crown just went missing as well about 20 minutes ago.

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I lose my Crown of Eternal Winter about once a month or so. Usually reappears at the transmogrifier after some days. So frustrating.

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