This seems to happen most often on my hunter since the event started. I cannot seem to get into the Crown Chemical dungeon.
Queue times go from 1min to 9, to 4, really all over. I have spent 2 hours trying to see if I cannot get it to pop and I cannot.
I waited 30min, left queue, tried again, waited 10-15min, still nothing. Joined with a friend, couldnt get it to work.
Worked fine on my alts, I’ve finished it on them each day.
As of this moment I am 10 min wait into a 2min queue.
Queue times have been instant on my tanks and healers and around 5 minutes for DPS characters.
EXCEPT on this character. Level 80, 570 ilvl, it took over 40 minutes. When I got into a group, I was the only 80 other than the tank. (I did queue for ~30 minutes and then
did a restart.)
This is also happening on my mage. Have sat in 2 30 min queues now while the average wait time says 3 mins. Can’t get in.
This has been reported for several years in a row and nothing has been done. It seems to happen most commonly on mages and warlocks
This happens on my hunter, as well as my Evoker. I actually gave up, the queue was taking so long. Under 3 minutes on other dps, but those 2 it was 30+.
Edit: After updating before the maintenance, my hunter got in within a minute and my evoker was 1 dps away, but ran out of time. Maybe it’s been fixed.