Crowd Pummeler Gnomeregan Smash tracking. SOD

Last night, during crowd pummeler he used the Gnome Smash ability on me, the tank, however rather than casting it in a fixed direction the boss tracked my movement.

It essentially pivoted to follow me when I moved side to side and there was no way to avoid the ability.

The boss remained fixed in its location. But did track my movement, pivoting on the spot.

Only saw one instance of this as the previous cast did not track.

As I was dead I couldn’t see the rest of the fight but the boss died shortly after anyway.


Had the same happen to me today.

Found a video about it, and your post after that.

Crowd Pummeler hitting trickshots (

Confirmed, same thing happened to me last raid.

This logic is somehow tied to C’thuns Dark Glare ability and has broken C’thun as well.

very cool.