Crossing Fate quest is not tracking Fated boss kills.
Same here. Are we sure it works in LFR?
At 2 bosses killed, 0/30 still.
2 Heroic bosses killed, 0 credit.
Took out World Boss prior to accepting the quest in LFR, would be nice to have had quest prior to doing said World Boss, first wing of Castle Nathria LFR, No kills counted towards quest.
Killed first 2 bosses in Normal Castle Nathria, no credit towards crossing fate
Same thing happening to me. 6/10 on Normal Fated Nathria and no quest credit.
world boss doesn’t count. it’s specifically the raid bosses
Same here. LFR boss kills not counting currently.
Same here. Sucks
For anyone who killed at least 1 boss in Fated Castle on Normal+ did you get kill credit for “Fate of Nathria”? trying to find out if that is bugged too…
I thought this requires you to kill all bosses in CN.
The achievement tracks each boss.
I did all 10 Fated CN LFR bosses and didnt get any credit toward “Crossing Fate”. The gear drops as 265 though …
Also the raid tuning seems unchanged from the original tuning. All the bosses die in a minute or two and the trash is nothing …
Same issue, showing 0/30 with no credit for the 3 thus far I’ve killed.
Same issue no credit for LFR, bosses are dying extremely fast. Was able to get 2 new gear drops though, going to go to Normal in an hour but waiting on a buddy of mine.
just got 1/30.
what about the other bosses we killed?
edit: seems to be working now but what about the other bosses I killed?
Same for me. Killed all 10 bosses in lfr on 6 char and 3
got credit for 9 bosses the other 3 got credit for all 10.