I am currently coming back from a break but am looking for a long-term home. I am an ex AOTC tank who is looking to come back to the game. I currently have experience with a monk, pally, dk, and DH. I am not looking to jump into a groups raid team right now. I am looking at finding at home for season 4 and then being 100% ready for 10.0! So please read this is I am behind and will be working on getting my characters ready for season 4 stuff. I also do not need a tank position, but that is what I feel comfortable doing and would be learning DPS. I am also looking for a place that is for cross-faction raiding (especially if you want me to go alliance).
A little bit about me:
I am a 40 year old married (with baby on the way 1/5/2023!) guy who believes in positive gaming. My whole gaming life I have lived my life as a positive force in the games I play. I love tanking and love running Mythic+. Sadly, with things like RaiderIO and other tools, I started to lose the ability to have a successful and positive experience in pug groups.
What I am looking for:
I would love to find a home that only raids 2 nights a week and raids around 8est-12est (on the weekends I can do 10pm-midnight est). I also would love a chance to do mythic raiding, but not to the point that I am going to burn myself out and hate the game. Mostly, I am looking for a long-standing group that has withstood the test of time to still like each other and continue to play this at a high level. Transferring / Rerolling is an option for an amazing fit (I do have a boost burning a hole in my pocket).
***I am not looking to be a burden! I am not looking for a carry! I want a place I can gain some friendships with and be a part of an amazing group that I can help do mythic+ and eventually raid with (maybe Season 4…but for sure 10.0) Special note that I will miss raiding for a bit after my kiddo is born. I am looking for long-term:slight_smile: ***
Interested? My discord is Sirslothsalot#2328 Right now I am just having fun talking to others and trying to see if I can be a benefit
IngloriousBastardos is looking for people interested in doing Mythic + and raiding and PVP.
We are a cross fraction guild, so we have both alliance guild and horde guild. So you can play the race class you love and still be with your friends from both sides.
We like to keep things fun and relaxed regardless of what we are doing. We are friends and teammates first. We like to progress and grow but we are also family oriented, and know we all have a life outside of the game. We are an 18+ guild.
The goal for us is semi-casual mythic when attendance/gear allow, but otherwise knocking out AOTC for every tier.
Only downside is that tanking spot isn’t 100% promised, but you probably could have it (I got bumped out of dps to go back to tanking, but I am willing to consider dropping back to DPS). Obviously S4 involvement would be nice, but not mandatory. Also all of the classes you would be interested in are wanted. Especially a monk, but honestly anything is good.
I think you would be a great fit for our guild and community, Found a Green Quest! [US][Zul’jin][Horde] is recruiting high mythic key runners and heroic raiders for Season 4 and into Dragonflight! Though we are casual friendly, we work to create a fun and dynamic environment for those who perform the highest levels of content. We have Keystone masters, former heroic and mythic raiders on our roster and we work to foster a healthy and toxic free community. We are recruiting dps, especially rogues, death knights, monks for Raid, and we can always use more tanks and dps for the highest levels of M+. We are fortunate enough to have plenty of healers for raid, and we are not in need of a tank for Raid. We are currently progressing through heroic, and we are looking for raiders willing to do the work, have a measure of patience as we progress through raid and willing to be a team player, taking and giving constructive help through content. Though we are principally on Zul’jin and are horde side, our community is all encompassing and players from all servers and cross faction are welcome
Let Wrekkfull, Kiuayoukai or Vathorean know if you’re interested!
Discord Dat#2310
Battle.net Dat1#11528
Discord Kiuayoukai#2395
Battle.net Kiua#1912
Discord Nightraven2015#7854
Battle.net DrDruid#1321