Cross server LFG still broken

So we are going into yet another reset with blizz still not fixing the dam cross server LFG for those who do arenas. How much longer are you going to just ignore this blizz its bull.


Are we going into yet another week where we see the same post by wifegrip? Stop using alts to post the same nonsense.

who the hell is that? or you just making assuming that iā€™m not? on a 20 year old account?

When will this get fixed? Absolutely killing the Arena scene, most people dont even know its a bug.


dont listen to this guy, he is a troll. All his posts are gaslighting and asking why people use the forums yet he is here doing nothing constructive, spouting complete nonsense.

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just ignore him, @ Blizz please fix this crap.


Bump. 3 weeks and still no response.


bump this again,.,

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Bump again please Blizzard

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lol actual big brain issue not realizing this issue is effecting THOUSANDS.

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please fix

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