I see this as a critical step to having a consists community. Combine it with the ability to run dungeons cross server and it’s perfect.
Problems avoided:
transfers no longer kill guilds.
Dead servers are no longer an issue.
People can still world level without the other faction or on low pop servers where resources are plentiful.
I don’t see any negatives to this.
people could auto group by guild then fill in the rest via some auto dungeon system - can be tweaked to have people preview the group before running and approving people added (not necessarily a gear score auto group)
Yes I would make changes to limit boosting and encourage questing in groups (more xp for quests and extra bonuses for group quests/dungeons)
How would fixing server health arrive at a different outcome? By fixing do you mean combining into one server or spreading people out to many servers? Many people want large servers so there are enough people to run with, but some also want enough resources to gather without a ton of competition. I don’t see world pvp coming back. There are so many servers now, and there’s not a good path forward to merging or splitting without making people unhappy.
I’m not sure layering with everyone on one server would be better. Layering is pretty confusing and people waste time trying to group to switch layers.
Personal resource nodes and increasing quest mob would help some people handle a mega server in a merger scenario. Take away the reasons to transfer and you fix server health in the long run and I think cross server guilds / dungeons do that.
Connecting realms is a much healthier alternative to transfers. OP you mention Cross Realm/CRZ which, to my understanding, is different than realm connections in that the player pools aren’t static but rather continually shifted around. Connecting realms does alter the player pool but the change isn’t temporary. This means that if realms A and B become connected, all players from A can group/guild/raid/trade with players from B.
Cross Realm and CRZ function differently I think so its best to be clear on what type of solution you are proposing.
I was primarily thinking of dungeon groups being any realm, not just 2 or three in a server group. Zones are trickier and you probably couldn’t cross unless you let people log into servers of their choice, which may include alliance only or horde only options. or maybe you have a home realm and can visit realms of friends - but that would need some tweaks to ensure no ganking and isn’t a replacement for cross all server dungeon groups, and you would need some dungeon finder for group searches on that scale - but it could be an add on and doesn’t need to be a blizzard dungeon finder