If I am playing as alliance on server 1, and I join another guild on server 2, regardless of faction, can I still q for all instanced based content with them again regardless of what faction they are?
Thank you
If I am playing as alliance on server 1, and I join another guild on server 2, regardless of faction, can I still q for all instanced based content with them again regardless of what faction they are?
Thank you
I just tried listing my alliance guild for recruitment in the guild finder and all my alliance characters on all servers could see it an apply for membership. But NONE of my horde characters on any server could see it, even the ones on the same server.
I don’t think faction queuing works, but you can walk to the dungeon and run it.
I also want to know if I take a toon from one server and join a guild on another server, will I see all of my guild mates or will we be phased till we group up.
I think this is correct (at least it was in DF S4, not sure if it’s changing for TWW).
For Invited content like Normal, Heroic, and Mythic Raiding, as well as M0 and M+ Dungeons. You will have no issues cross-server or cross-faction.
For Queued content like LFR, Timewalking, Heroic Dungeons and Battlegrounds - Cross-server is fine, but Cross-faction is NOT allowed.
As far as guild go, it’s really just a bigger friends list. It makes inviting for grouped content easier for the person sending the invite request… But doesn’t actually impact any ability to join content as far as I’m aware.
Instancing and Phasing again isn’t impacted by Guild as far as I’m aware? Not sure on this one. But I’ve been in Valdraken looking for a guild-mate on the same server and still not seen them in town until we party-up. But you will always phase together with people in your party/raid, even when cross server. So again I don’t think guild has any impact here.
Thank you mate