The soft splash of fish jumping breaks the soundlessness of lake Everstill. A cool breeze blows in from the mountain peaks to cool the skin which the sun in a clear sky warms. Peace is secured in this place, resilience of the inhabitants is in its history, and perhaps a Horde trading post can be part of an ideal future.
A caravan on a trade mission has occupied the south bank of a pristine lake to use as a trading post in advance of measures the Horde and Alliance governments will soon take. There will be an increase of exchange between the factions. What will transpire in the meantime will depend on the type of interactions between the common folk and with the venders which stop by.
Come trade with us.
This is a common thread for the random RP that will happen near Lakeshire through the months of January-March. It will not be exclusively IC, but it can be used for such if you couldn’t attend at the time we are open for business. Updates will also be provided here for some of the interactions we had during previous business days.
Basically it will be in random way like the TB Duskwood thread. Some situations that players create may apply to the last caravan event we had. I’m curious what might spring from this. If we get some Alliance interest to continue this sort of thing, then the caravan will have pretense to do a bonus run into Elwynn Forest.
The trading post is open tonight until 8pm server.
See you there.
The trading post is open until 7:30 pm server.
Come trade with us!
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Day one
We departed our location at Darkshire which had been a better trading post than Westfall. It’s peculiar that in a cursed forest of perpetual darkness, that we should find some of the friendliest groups thus far. It could be that cooperation becomes more necessary when a threatening place, perhaps there is less strife when there is little importance in the region, or I suspect such niceties are a cover for more devious ends. Either way, the caravan departed with a good number of vendors and protectors.
A priestess of the Light came along to investigate the last known whereabouts of a priest under her, who went missing. She made it clear that she suspected foul play, because this priest had entered a heated theological debate with me on the trip out of Westfall.
What’s worse, is halfway through the journey we came across an overturned skiff with some corpses in it. Immediately the priestess claimed it was the missing priest, even though the face was gone. Naturally she accused me of murder and even went so far as to ask for help in arresting me. I managed to reason against the preposterous claims, but she had successfully seeded distrust in the trade venture.
This b itch is part of that radical sect of the church which I had mentioned in day four of the Darkshire section. She is treading a fine line by accusing me of this crime because it runs the risk of exposing their grave robbing operation. The clever part is that I can’t absolve myself with the truth because it brings with it another sort of damage to the trade venture.
In the end, there will not be enough evidence to lock me up, but there will also be no confidence in continuing this trade venture with the Alliance. By the time this journal is read by my business partners, I will have killed the Bright Abbess for this!
The trading post is open for business until 2pm server.
Come trade with us.
I just want to mention that in my afternoon daze, I read this caption as ‘[Cross-fit] Lakeshire Shore’ and I was like
That sounds pretty inspired and unique for an RP event.
I’m gonna go home now.
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Day Two
It was a slow day of activity and trade. This was expected for being the first true market day in a new area of Alliance territory. I noticed the stalls of a few of our companion venders were looking a little bare. A good sign that sales have been made since the start of this trade venture. I expect tomorrow will see in increase in activity as not only word of our arrival will have reached the ears of all in Redridge, but the citizens of Lakeshire can see our post across the river and will most likely hop on over.
I do not gaze across the lake too long because I keep imagining the local authority gathering just outside of town and coming for me in a smart looking formation. I seen the Bright Abbess enter the town hall this morning and I’m sure she has spoken about what transpired on the road. She left town with some armed men which I thought were meant for me, but they headed eastward. Tonight I shall follow her trail and spy what I can.
The trade mission continues.
The trading post is open for business until 7:30pm server.
Come trade with us.
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Day Three
It was another slow day. I’m starting to not like this location. It is partly because of its sparce commercial opportunities, but mostly because of the specter which hangs over me. I have thought of what I shall recite when the questions come, and I have contingency plans should the manacles come for me instead.
One point of note was the interaction I had with a Ren’dorei who came to the trading post. I confess, I don’t care much for Elves. I will side with them over all other living races if push comes to shove, but I am equally repulsed by their good looks and pompous attitude. However, I’ve never met one so imbued with Shadow before. I found myself as comfortable in her presence as much as I would be in the presence of my fellow Forsaken. That is to say I was watching for the quick blade without worry that hate was behind it’s intent.
She said her name was Claresta Nightveil and after explaining to her a little about the trade mission and what some of the vendors have to offer, she wanted to purchase some Forsaken crafted embalming fluid I have been selling these past weeks. However, through our conversation and my interpretation of our bond through the Forgotten Shadow, I offered her my unique concoction. She bought a vial of embalming fluid which was elementally specific depending on the environment it was being used in. She said it might help her research which I was curious about, but through the bond I percieved, I knew the blade would come quick if I pursued the topic. I even told her about the acid reflux which will make the throat sore at first, but moments later it will melt all organic matter. I advised her to spit it out when the felling comes, and maybe on something you wish to turn into soup. After the business transaction we said our polite departures and the Trade post continued on its slow business.
I noticed a well dressed man with two guards enter Lakeshire. Something tells me the specter over me is about to be made manifest.
The trade mission continues.
The trading post is open for business until 2pm server.
Come trade with us.
I missed this! Sad to have. Have you joined the Wyrmrest Community Project Discord? It’s a good way to get daytime folks to come to events by advertising there.
I am on that discord. I pop in now and again to see what’s up and if there is an event or two an alt of mine might like to go to.
I’ve posted there for the detailed events, but these trade post days are just casual and spur of the moment. Another discord that’s cool is the Azeroth RP discord. There are folks who don’t play the game anymore, but still like to RP in Warcraft over there. There is a thread I have that parallels this one. Some of the caravan entries are from the RP over there.
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