Cross-Realm Trading

Hey the new user list sucks, yadayada I found 39k on characters I was gonna delete. Didn’t they remove cross-realm trading restrictions in 10.1.5? What gives? I keep getting the error ‘you cannot trade to that realm’.

Is anyone else experiencing this? Known bug? I have dementia??

The only places I’ve done cross-realm trading was in instances and it worked.

I haven’t tried it but you are right, they removed it with patch 10.1.5 per wowhead post.

Yeah, this is no beuno. I hope its just a TWW prepatch glitch.

Apparently it is a bug with the warbanks

There was a blue post about it also being disabled for now.

Crazy how many things they’re disabling this prepatch to make things work.

Cross Realm Trading disabled
Warband Banks disabled
Character Restore disabled

Obviously I’d prefer them being disabled to them staying active and breaking things (Cross Realm Trading in particular was effectively crashing anyone involved in the Trade), but it seems messier than normal.

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