Cross Realm Trading

Bliz has enabled cross realm toon to toon trading. So, if you meet in a dungeon with a friend you can trade things like gold. They don’t allow you to mail across realms. This is great if you have a guild or friend group and you want to trade resources back and forth.

But, this is also great for bot farmers who want to move resources from realm to realm so that they can get a better price. Got a piece of transmog or BOE gear that will sell at a higher price? Just trade it to a toon on another account on the right realm.

BOTs are out of control already. This is only going to make it worse. I don’t want to have to have a second account just so I can participate in the economy.

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only thing can be mailed is BoA items across the realms

There’s always just asking a friend to help move stuff.

I thought they advertised the whole cross realm trading as yes, you would be able to send gold through the mail to characters on other servers. I can’t, or at least it won’t let me. What am I missing? Because I can find you the advertisement where they posted that you could send gold across realms.

here you go

Nope, only directly, via Trading. They never talked about mail

This was never going to be a thing. Mail is a whole different animal and much more complex. It’ll take a lot more time for that.

Damn, well thanks for the replies everyone.

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Give it a month and server prices will stabilize to an accepted supply/demand norm.

look at the Wartorn Scrap
within a few days it went from somewhere around 2k gold at start to 250-225gold now

While all of the crafted and BoE gear on my realm went from 800g to 8k gold.

if its from naxx stuff give it time it will go back due to no one will buy it and they will drop it
for months the pirate hat from the islands was around 20k gold now its 5k gold

Nah, this is the DF stuff and the max level SL stuff.

I don’t mine or skin or do herbalism anymore. The prices are low, and it’s not worth my time. That happened because Bliz combined the markets for consumables, and now a player has to compete with a bunch of bots. They increased supply and drove the prices down. That’s great for a raider that just wants their pots, but it’s bad for someone who enjoys gathering. There just isn’t motivation.

For example, if a bot can not trade BOEs or pets or transmog, then the prices are going lower. Yes, the prices will stabilize as they have with consumables, but the risk is that the prices will be so low that there will be less motivation for an actual person to engage the economy as a producer. As happened with consumables.

Curious how this effects run/carry sales. Can we sell off realm now without breaking ToS?

This cost cash and they need cash!

Old thread sorry. But! I’m happy if Cross Realm Trading is allowed because I can Enchant for my friend. We can help each other out with things. ^^