Cross realm raiding

Can we take a second to talk about how dog cross realm raiding is? How it prevents community growth on a server level? Who else is for/against cross realm raiding/dungeons? Let me hear your opinion!


if you are one of these guys who think lfg cross realm stuff destroyed the game, you will keep thinking it no matter what arguments people would offer, so whats the point of this thread

99% of people are against it. They need to fix this now, or at least come out and tell us it’s intended so we can go ahead and quit. If they are doing this in TBC Classic, just imagine how far towards retail Wrath Classic will be. We even have dungeon finder in that version, so it will be cross-realm dungeon finder with people leaving groups every 5 minutes because there is no real consequence to your reputation.


cross realm is not in the spirit of classic wow, i dont care what anyone says about how its nbd or whatever. it shouldnt be in classic tbc


I thought the cross-realm thing was a bug?

People literally tell you what ruined the game and you just choose to ignore them because you love retail. Devs and players alike told you Cross-Realm/LFR ruined the game. It’s strictly for casual players. If you don’t want to believe us, that’s fine, just keep to yourself.

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xrealm raiding would be great actually. It would allow people to find a group who can’t find one on their server. GDKP is also not possible xrealm, so the runs would just be about doing the content. It wouldn’t be a toxic transactional raid where you’re just there to profit off eachother.

Imagine if you can’t get into a raid group other than GDKPs on your own server, but could find a normal pug just doing the raid normally in a premade group finder.

It wouldn’t hurt anyone, it would only benefit people who don’t have a guild group and don’t want to run GDKPs.

Exactly! I agree completely

Has to be.

cross realm is surely a bug… espo if they freaking decided to ruin our honor grind for prepatch…

Is it? Is there a post anywhere saying it is?

Yea it already ruined retail buddy. Keep stupid opinions in retail pls. Watch the sub count drop if they really are going to allow cross-realm raiding. I’m sure u will just scratch ur head and say “Well it wasn’t due to cross-realm, that never hurts anybody”.


To discuss how cross realm in TBC kills the idea of server identity, how you can essentially just grief with far less repurcussions because no one will identify players with their server? Ninja loots, harassment, throws, etc. Idk about you but I know of multiple names just from seeing them around in vanilla… You’re talking about how “lfg cross realm stuff destroyed the game”…it never existed in THAT game though…?!?


Cross realm dungeons was a thing in wrath and yes people left after a wipe


Is there a post anywhere saying it’s intended?

Your understanding of retail is sub-par and you simply don’t know what you’re talking about.

You’re repeating nonsense rhetoric people have been saying for years. It’s group think. It has no substance. Xrealm anything didn’t “ruin” retail.

That’s one of the reasons we are here posting. Is it a bug? Was it intended? /shrug

where did you get this number, did you just make this number because thats your opinion? because 90% of the people think its just an opinion and 97% think its a fact

lfg saved my small server back in the day, just trying, just trying to get a group to complete a dungeon for the daily was nearly impossible, lfg allowed us to be able to finish this stuff, same with raiding, yeah, its not a problem when you are on a big server with a good population

rofl, you think people don’t already do that in classic or classic tbc, back in the day, people would ninja loot then get a name change and restart the whole process

They actually didn’t allow the name changes but okay

there are ways to protect from ninja looting, harrassement, etc, i’m not a big fan of the vote to kick tool but its better than having to quit a dungeon because one person dced or decided to leave