Cross-realm Mythic Vault of the Incarnates Begins Feb. 14

Remove Valor Cap!

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Same reason they took out 10m raiding, they hate what everyone else enjoys (aka, having fun).


I had the same question.

maybe you should remove the faction system which is extremely outdated, it does nothing but restrict the player base to interact and play together

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has nothing to do with the faction system - we have cross faction…the delay is in place for reasons nobody understands

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This should have been cross realm from start. Also please remove raid if lockout and make it loot lockout like heroic.


The shift in philosophy being that waiting for 100 guilds to defeat mythic Raz would take us into 11.0


Do movement-speed phials help at all?

They heard you bro.

Almost there…

Now remove the lockout IDs. Let people who want to do mythic raids do mythic raids.

Imagine the uproar if you could only join one m+ per dungeon each week and if someone left, you were done?

Mythic raids still have that for some reason.


Please just let us do cross-realm mythic from the start. Locking it to server only is an outdated approach that needs to be tossed.


its one of the few bosses that have the sort of mechanic that would be very hard to do even several expansions later. anything that can knock you off the platform or unavoidable fall damage.

Razzy mythic is cheating like the Razzy/ ebile proto-dragon they are. knocking players off such that you have to use convoluted strats or have specific classes to counter. :dracthyr_shrug:

if it was just a tuned up heroic it prob would fill up quicker. /speculation

Good thing about this opening is. Heroic players can try to squeak by for a shot at a Mythic fire ring if RNG ever lets it drop.

Nope. It’s all about burst mobility, and you don’t have that.

You basically need a ratio of two Evokers to one Priest; Priest takes Gateway for 1st and 4th Hurricane Wings, and then you have an Evoker Rescue you for 2nd and 3rd each. With two Priests you MIGHT be able to do Rescue Priest 1 who grips Priest 2 and Rescue Priest 2 who grips Priest 1 though?

It should be cross realm from the start of every raid tier. There is no reason for mythic+ to be cross realm (and spammable) for high keys while high end raiding is only available if you play on a mega server.


Hallelujah alhamdulillah

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There is REALLY no reason behind not having it be cross realm from the start. I thought blizzard and the community had already made a decision that artificial restrictions that prevent you from playing with friends is silly? (See cross-faction) Realm restrictions are still in 2008 wow levels of thinking.


I remembered changing factions during the legendary cloak quest back in Mists just to pass the PVP portion of that quest line, and win against the Horde or wake up in an ungodly hour. Good times.

They could start by removing mythic lockouts from legacy content.

Please look to banning people from advertising Carrie’s in the new comer chat. The bots will come and flood that channel with spam advertisement.