Cross-Realm Guilds - How Do They Work?

With the implementation of Warbands and Cross-Realm Guilds, is anyone considering changing servers with any characters to get a specific name they want?

I have been wanting to drop the accent from my character’s name since I first transferred her to Wyrmrest Accord and had to adopt the accent. I have found some servers with the name available and reserved it and am now considering changing servers to “fix” her name.

I’m a little hesitant about it as I am the Guild Master of my guild and we do not know much about how Cross-Realm Guilds will work. Are they based on one server? If I transfer the Guild Master does that Transfer the Guild? (Paid Guild Services are being discontinued after today) Would my guildies phase to the server I pick if I were to transfer, or would I phase to them as the vast majority of the guild will be on Stormrage?

Would love other people’s insights or if anyone has any information I may have missed on how Cross-Realm Guilds work it would be greatly appreciated.

Unless I’m mistaking guild will no longer be based on a server hence the discontinuing of guild server transfer.




As far as


Yeah, I assumed as much. Would be nice to have some clarification on Cross-Realm guilds and what, if anything, it changes.

It sure would be! But alas, we are left in the dark. I have no idea how listing our guild will work. I have no idea how it’ll show up alongside other guilds of the same name. I have no idea if I’ll be able to invite opposite faction easier. I have no idea if I’ll be able to pass guild lead cross server or cross faction if I wanted… nothing.

And still no word on guild permissions getting fixed.

I am not a happy lizard experiment.


I suggest considering switching your main from the present one to one on another server that has the right name, then inviting that character into your guild.

No way in hell I’m leaving my guild. Even though I don’t raid with them and probably never will they still craft things for me free of charge.

Are you suggesting this to test out how the Cross-Realm guild phases people? Might be the only option. Will consider this for later this week.

No one is asking you to, or even implying for you to do so.

Like magnets yo

There’s no reason you shouldn’t be able to invite that character into your guild. Nothing to lose by trying. And if you want to switch mains, this is the best time to do it.

Oh no, I’d be keeping this character my main and just server transferring eventually to change my name back to Lorelai, from Lorelaî. No more accent for me.