Cross Realm Battlegrounds

Who is looking forward to when battlegrounds are released? If they’re following the 1.12 they will be Cross Realm BGs!


im loving low level wpvp

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I am looking forward to battlegrounds being released. Very much so! Come join us on Kurinnaxx, and help be the premier Horde PVP guild for our Battlegroup!


Never going to happen. They created cross realm Bgs because their game was DYING. They were losing so many subscription numbers they had ghost realms!

This was not an issue in vanilla, and it won’t be in classic.


If we’re doing no changes, then Cross Realm BGs will be in Classic, as Cross Realm BGs were in 1.12.1


But why were they in vanilla?

Oh yeah.

Thats why.

And I remember it being one of the first steps in making Vanilla servers less personal.

what drugs are you smoking?

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Considering people are already reporting the exact same reason we got crbg’s in vanilla, which was faction imbalanced realms there’s no reason to think we won’t have them in classic.


I really hope they arnt cross realm bgs

Not a fan at all. Like someone else said it depersonalized the server community. Just because nobody who plays alliance wants to PVP.

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The problem with x-realm BG’s is they really made pvp guilds obsolete. With x-realm BG’s some random could run around AV 24/7 doing absolutely nothing, and get more honor than a dedicated pvp guild doing WSG/AB.

I prefer we not have x-realm BG’s for this reason mainly. But also because they ruined any community feel that pvp had. I liked being able to know that every single person in a BG is someone I can also find in wpvp. X-realkm BG’s kill off that pvp community, and ruins pvp guilds.

Please keep this out of Classic, Blizzard. Please.

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Normal RP server. We probably wouldn’t be having any bgs if there was no cross realm for bgs


Considering this is part of 1.12 which Classic is based on, why wouldn’t it be in it? Are we going to pick and choose what is in Classic from 1.12? I thought #nochanges was still a thing?


They already specifically stated in interviews as well as here: that yes, the BGs will be xrealm, so you don’t have to debate it.

Q: Will there be Cross Realm Battlegrounds when those go live?
A: Cross-realm battlegrounds were a feature of 1.12 and are important for matchmaking, so you’ll be seeing cross-realm battlegrounds in WoW Classic when Battlegrounds are introduced in Phase 3 of the content roll-out plan.


i hope its not cross realm. then all the stupid horde have to wait in AV queue for 2 hours, after a 2 hour Q to login! LMFAO!

WIll only be looking forward to it if the battlegroups are arranged accordingly. And that means…

  • NA PvP servers in a battlegroup. EU PvP servers in a battlegroup.
  • NA PvE servers in a battlegroup. EU PvE servers in a battlegroup.
  • RP servers in a battlegroup.

And if anyone is frustrated with population imbalance, they can reroll to the faction that isn’t overwhelmingly represented.

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Yea horde really has the odds stacked up against them.

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me i cant wait more people to pvp with i see zero downside

It’s rough, but we’ll make it work :slight_smile:

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In Vanilla it was semi-cross realm. We were in battle groups with several other servers. You’d still often see the same people. The modern cross realm is from all servers, to facilitate lower wait time.

I’d prefer server only.

I’d accept battlegroups.

I would be severely disappointed if it’s cross realm in the modern sense…

If they do battlegroups, I hope they keep them small, like 4 or 5 servers…