Cross-Realm Arena

So here is the problem with this mindset. There are things from retail that could be implemented to better the Classic version of the game. Things that could be implemented without changing things to drastically. Cross server arena/raiding/dungeons for one would fix the server issues. People wouldn’t have to be on X server to have to play with people, which is the problem now. Just like the modern game is taking things from Classic and re-introducing them (some in a more modern form) there are things Classic could take from the modern game to solve some of the issues it has.

I guess it comes down to do you want the original version of the Vanilla, TBC or Wrath or do you want the best version?

What has been show is how many issues the old versions of the game have, especially being played in the modern era.

Correct. Cross realm arena would not fix “server stacking”. I would never make the claim that it would.

However it would at least give people an option. Historically, arena players all funneled to a small cluster of realms (Tich in retail) for example.

I don’t understand how cross-realm arena not fixing server stacking is a downside to the implementation of cross realm arena.

It could. But they already shot down RDF.
Everyone built Bene on the excuse they couldn’t make a group for Mana Tombs at 3am.

At this point, now they won’t leave because they’d refuse to play on a dead server.
Even with RDF I bet.
Servers all dead, because they abandoned them.

As I said, I am SO happy here on Grobb and none of those things really affect me.
CRZ actually would lower my approval, because I like Grobb people and it’s a 50/50 realm. We are self sufficient and whole. I do not need to see people from other servers in my MMO except for battlegrounds where it’s expected.

Fix completely no, but it will help to address it.

Actually it has. Are there still big servers? Yep, but that is because guilds are still server specific along with a few other things. But it has helped.

I mean it also has to do with those servers where already big before they started introducing all the cross-realm stuff, and have never really offered free transfers of any kind. The auction house plays a big role in this too, with prices being quite a big more on medium/small servers. But they even addressed that recently.

There are good arguments to be made against dungeon finder/raid finder. It really killed the “World” aspect of WoW. In a way it changed the game to queuecraft. There’s also a lot economic ties to PvE-related items/professions/etc that aren’t really a factor in instanced PvP.

Arena/BGS are already cross-realm, instances. You can play against other realms, just not with.

I play on Grob too, and have since vanilla Classic when it opened. But I am not talking about CRZ, that is a totally different thing than cross-ream play in arena, raids or dungeons. Servers in classic don’t need open world cross realm, well at least not Grobbulus since it’s the only 50/50 (maybe) left in the world. But even in TBC Grobbulus creeped into the 60/40 area (in favor of the alliance).

Blizzard decided to remove it, based on feedback however it’s debatable if this was a good thing or even if the majority of the community wanted it removed. I would not be shocked if it was put in later.

Neither was I entirely, I did kinda lump them together.
RDF would already cause seeing other realms, and the bad side effects of that (ninjas)
Wintergrasp was announced to queue like a plain battleground across realms, and I hate that.

There is so much demand for it they can’t hold off forever.

For the exact reason they’re on Farlina and Bene right now and that’s not gonna change… I mean why would the move if the bulk of the PVP community is on these two server?

Adding CRArenagrouping would not fix the problem…

Downside being that they’re wasting time putting Cross realm features in function while not fixing the massive laundry list of bugs that exist right now.

For me Bugs > stuff that was not part of Wrath.

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So these too are again, different things to me. The ability to do things across realms for things doesn’t have be an auto que thing. It could just be LFG with the ability to group with people cross realms. Cross realm play can be a thing without all the other stuff. It doesn’t have to involve open world, doesn’t have to be an auto que system etc etc

If all you do is Arena, technically you can just play on a completely dead server no?

Assuming you have a set group to play with. Can BG cross server and can Arena with everyone else too…


I’d love to be on a server like this. Thing is though if I leave, I’m cutting out virtually any opportunity to find arena players if I don’t go one of the few options. They aren’t on Old Blanchy (free migration option).

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The first implantation of it in Wrath back in the day was actually server only. But again, I keep saying this, cross realm stuff can be done without auto que systems, which is what RDF is.

Wintergrasp was actual a que system in original Wrath as well. You qued by either entering the zone 15 minutes before or at a NPC in Dalaran pretty much like now. It just wasn’t cross realm. It does kind of suck for a realm like Grobbulus with a good horde/alliance ratio, but literally wouldn’t work anywhere else.


This post wasn’t really about a priority list of what to do, it’s just a suggestion man. I’m not claiming it would fix anything you’re describing. I’m just suggesting the option to queue with my friends cross realm. They already removed Arena teams which are realm and player/bound.

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I see what the op is going with here due to arena being server only for your partners a lot of people want that security of being able to find the partners they can. This goes for raids too. I looked up the population of Sulfurus and Old Blanchy which are the two servers that Bene can migrate too. Old Blanchy has a ally pop of under 150 for a pve server as of August and sulfurus pvp server has a big horde dominance with little alliance unless that changed from the last time I googled it. Why would anyone go there. People have that sense of security on a big pop server of being able to find something whether it is raid or pvp without having to worry about being left out or left behind. I personally have anxieties about that and have pushed myself to get my DK ready for wrath content profs and level maxed in a day and will probably one shot the grind to 80 as well cause of queue times. If cross server helps bring down queue times I am for it but layers will probably big a big solver of this as well.


We have 20k alliance players and less than 100 horde on benediction. Imagine not having cross-realm queues…

I do agree though… I’d love to have a 50/50 split. I’m on a PVP SERVER. Grob sounds pretty awesome.

I’m not even a fan of layering honestly but it’s pretty much mandatory. I miss the days of actually recognizing players by name. Servers had a sense of community. Being on bene near any relevant NPC is like watching ants swarm a piece of candy. You’re sitting there typing /tar commands for npcs, spinning/zooming ur camera in just to find the spot to click… it’s pretty annoying. Friend calls out “yo can you come to x”, you’re like “I’m here… oh you must be on layer 487”… it’s just dumb. It’s already cross realm being on a server this large.

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cross realm arena please :frowning:


literally no reason to not have xrealm arenas. like someone else mentioned this was possible during BC prepatch at lvl 60 , you oculd que for skirms together. you just wouldnt show up in each others world instance, only you would join areana together (after arena u wouldnt be in sw together) . theres no reason to not implement this, it’d make everything healthier and it has nothing to do with RDF or QoL trash. you basically would still have to find these people thru some means, either posting on their realm in trade/world chat or finding them in the LFG tool (hopefully) which could be restricted to ONLY the PVP/Arena section of the LFG tool. plz do this so arena players can leave the mega realms and not worry.


I agree with this especially with the queue problem. If they want people to feel more comfortable transferring servers they need to make it so you can queue with people from other realms for pvp. Why would anyone NOT want to be on a mega server that is pvp focused? You have the greatest pool of players to pick from versus going to another server with a much more limited amount… hopefully a blue sees this and they make this move asap


Not having crossrealm arena is ruining my life please consider allowing it so I can pvp wid my friends


plz open xrealm arena to solve server issues