Cross Faction Roleplayers!

Hello Everyone I’d Like to say Ive decided to make a community based on Cross Faction Roleplaying

(This Link Will send you to the Community)

In This Community Cross Faction Roleplayers can talk/engage with one another.
Main Server- WRA
LGBT+ Friendly
Have Fun and Chat.
This Community is Neutral.
Members of This Community will know that going into this Group you will stay and remain Neutral.
How you and other decide to Roleplay is your bizz. But keep in mind be friendly when OOC.
Fighting/trolling we result in a kick.
If you are not inrested in being Neutral i would advice you not to join this community!

If you want to message me in game feel free also my discord is saelkurdess

Well, well, well. Another neutral has infiltrated our blessed conflict-rife space.

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What makes a man turn… neutral? A lust for gold? Power? Or was he just born with a heart full of neutrality?

With enemies you know where you stand. With neutrals, who knows?


Neutrals serve themselves. They’re above our petty conflict, or so they’d make you believe. They think they’re better than we are.

They need to pay.

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And you speak in such heresy to those of us that stand with the Dawn, Goblin?

What then of your brothers and sisters that step to the enemy lines under the guidance of the Light’s will and judgment passed?

Are we to be raised at the stake aswell for the divine call we answer?

Answer me…

Nahhhh paladins are good in my book

I can’t imagine how uncomfortable it is for those neutrals to be sitting on that fence.


Ooo love this! I wish there was a discord for this as well.

Futurama. Touche…

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I feel like lines cribbed from Futurama are some of my favorite responses.

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I actually liked this question. I don’t consider my character neutral anymore. I consider her factionless. Neutral to me implies like this weird pass the peace pipe hippy thing or Argents. :smiley:

I like factionless because we serve our own. And don’t care about political stuff.

And, canonically, we could argue tons of instances that things are factionless/neutral and only a portion of the world actually cared about faction conflict. But awesome community idea nonetheless.

You shouldn’t take anything I say as deep or insightful. If you manage to glean anything useful from my responses, I can assure you its probably an unintended byproduct of my poor attempts at schist posting.


Whereas you should understand that everything I say is deep and insightful, even when it sounds insane and clearly intoxicated.


We find safety in numbers and other adventurers that we share common goals with. Whether you call it a book club, a cult or a faction makes no difference.
