Cross Faction Que

Continuing the discussion from 11.0.7 Update PTR Development Notes:

So why limit it, why cant just me and the horde homie que into Raid Finder. Why drive diversity :roll_eyes:


Just wanted to chime in and throw my solidarity.

I don’t know why Blizzard keeps insisting on making cross faction queueing “opt-in” when Rated Solo Shuffle and BG Blitz already team you up with members of the opposite faction.

There is absolutely no reason why this can’t apply to LFR and random dungeon groups as well.


I play both Alliance and Horde characters since TBC. This game is 20+ years old… It is way beyond time to allow us to queue via LFR / LFG with our friends on the opposite faction!

Premade group forming should not be the only way to go in this instance.

Bliz should offer a button to select for those players who only want to queue with their faction to satisfy that base, and let the rest of us queue cross faction.


This solves for a problem, but not the problem both queues are used for or the issue players are having.

Why do we queue?

  1. Fill out groups that aren’t full. (don’t have 5 players for dungeons or enough players for Normal raid.)

  2. Enter dungeons faster.

  3. Problem it solved - reduced time it takes to start dungeon with full group.

  4. Problems it didn’t solve - Running dungeons with friends when we don’t have 5 players or queuing together in LFR with friends.

If we have to use group finder tool to fill out group with PUGs, we haven’t really changed anything. Currently, we can post in group finder tool for heroics and fill out the group.

The problem I want solved with cross-faction queues is being able to run dungeons with my friends, even when there is only 2,3, or 4 of us, especially for events like time-walking leveling etc… There are many times when I’m running with friends but there isn’t always 5 people on together. I want to be able to queue with friends into LFR. (I know we can always carry friends through normal, but we like to group for transmog hunting in LFR.)

My hope is that this is only a first step toward full cross-faction queues and that it’s the “spaghetti code” problem and not a desire to hang onto the old faction ideology.


I was excited for this but what is even the point? I play opposite my friend in wow, They play a VE I play horde. This was about to solve all our problems of playing together but it didn’t change one thing. It is a pointless change if we can’t have the freedom to play with whoever we want in 2024 almost 2025.
This is unacceptable and needs to be rectified so that freedom of choice is relevant.

There is a selection in group finder now that says “only pull from current faction” so where is that option if you do not want queue times to get reduced by being able to queue with all players not just the faction pool of half.