Cross faction LFG failure

2 years in with this and you still cant message cross factioned group leader in LFG if they’re asking for achieves or what not.

2 years… still not fix’d. TWO YEARS.


Link your io page with that explanation instead in the comment.

A lot of raid leaders hate getting 50 pings at the same time, anyways.

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bro Im talking about group leaders that SPECIFICALLY SAY “LINK ACHIEVE” on their note

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I understand that.

like i dont understand how even this is a thing, its like they didnt forsee this happening???


Was cross-faction groups a recent change? How long have they been around?

Yeah, they also didn’t allow us to learn the opposite faction’s languages either… so if you’re a guildie speaking Orcish? Your Alliance guild mates have ZERO idea what you’re saying.

Cross faction has to be one of the biggest joke features they’ve ever put in, just for how half-baked it is. Same with invites, and pretty much any other aspect of the game you want to do crossfaction.

Yea, this totally half assed approach to cross faction grouping is quite annoying.


I’m really hoping with us going to Silvermoon in Midnight it’ll give em some incentive/reminder that: “Oh hey, by the way, we STILL can’t other stand each other with a costly tongues potion!”

i think the question is, is this intentional? or do you actually think blizz overlooked it?

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stop hiding on a alt. post on your main to be taken seriously. but messaging should be open both ways

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It’s probably a limitation they didn’t yet have time to fix.


I mean… it’s not nearly as annoying as cross-faction being a thing, especially since it was implemented solely to benefit a specific small segment of the population.

And that Blizzard has just glommed onto it as an opportunity to pretend the Horde isn’t even a thing.


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you can literally google it. its not recent anymore


If I’m hosting a key or a raid, and you /w me to beg for an invite, you’re getting declined.

I can tell what achievements you have, you don’t need to link them to me.

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the guild vault heist?
Or any of the hundred bugs we got to enjoy this expansion?


its still not fix’d LOL which is the funniest part, since they introduced this in 2022 they have not fix’d it

When you look at “failures” like this you have to consider the likely intent.

Cross faction ANYTHING is almost always done with the intent to bring friends, actual friends together, not randos judging each other for a PUG.

I know that the LFG functionality exists, I see where the complaint is, and I acknowledge that, but my initial response to this thread’s premise was “that’s not what you’re meant to be using cross factional grouping for.”

I’d bet money that that’s the thinking here. It’s flawed for the purposes of the PUG scene, (which again I’d argue is not the “intended” scene for M+ PUGing, also playing into the theme of my own post here) but I saw it right away.

I love the language barrier. It makes you feel more part of your faction…in fact it’s probably the only thing left that does. Having said that, I do believe Blizzard will remove it eventually.

The conspiracy theorist in me thinks it’ll happen because sub numbers dropping. If less people are playing that means they have less people to play with. An “easy fix” would be to stop the faction divide completely.

I don’t like it but as the forums likes to remind everyone, “At least I have Classic.”

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