Cross Faction grouping question TWW

Currently if I party with Horde as Alliance, I can’t heal or buff them or really do much.

Is this being removed in TWW?, like I can heal and all the other faction in keys and raid, but when partied with my mates in the open world as opposite faction, even though in a party, it’s pretty pointless as you essentially can’t do anything besides them being there.

Has there been any news on this? Or is it going to be the same?.

Just would like to know as most mates I intend to do open world content with and all are Horde and I wanna truely just play with them with no limitations.

I’m asking as I know they are removing some restrictions but has there been any word on this?.

Getting rid of the inability to group with your friends of the opposite faction, is something we’ve been trying to get them to do for years. I haven’t heard anything past the “you can now raid together” situation, though I wish they would see how pointless it is to keep us all locked from each other.

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Damn, so best bet for me is quickly level a horde toon… :pensive:

Unless someone else can come in here with a source, or even hope at this point, that might be the only option you have. Believe me when I say that I feel it and am just as annoyed by it as you.

only thing stopping openworld cross faction stuff mainly is just mob tagging, you could technically group with them but i think youd have to help / kill twice as many mobs so it would be slower than being same faction

can do normal dungeons with them however cant use RDF to fill gaps in group

Minimal (barely) viable product.

While I agree that that’s true in a lot of rue aspects of the game…I feel the faction restrictions are caught up in the game design philosophy shift debate. They have removed so many, but seem very resistant to removing them all. Likely because the faction divide and confict is the central theme of the Warcraft IP’s identity

yea but the moment they removed pvp servers and swapped it to the warmode style from then on its been losing its faction divide theme, especially since every expac that is past BFA they keep making us hold hands even more

Agreed. For me, though, this is a half-butted resolution to a long term request from the playerbase.

I hear your argument on requiring War, in World of Warcraft and I can completely imagine a lot of the lore is not cross faction entertainment.

I do feel they can get creative and find a way to remove limitations from player grouping options. Heck, cheese-ball it and create an alternate time line from all our time travel capabilities.

I’d be shocked if someone involved with the Warcraft lore thought people would be working within those dimensions X years later.

Maybe WoW has outgrown it’s lore some?

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Oh, I definitely agree. And I think that is really the debate. Should they abandon it and move forward or should they try to hold on to some parts of that identity.

At this point we can guess that either neither side has won and they are still going back and forth…or that they have decided to compromise and this half hearted end product is what we get

Blizzard only cares about lore when they want to tell you no.

Then that sounds like a soft “yes” for cross faction.

Any logical reason to keep the playerbase split on the tiniest level? No.

It’s most likely due to them not wanting to finish off the faction divide since it was core to the entire concept.

However, ^ that is now outdated since we have non-queued coss-faction content and cross-faction guilds.

I think their just resistant to take down that final barrier. It lets them have the Faction point of WoW, while we get most of everything else. Maybe their best compromise?