When they introduced cross-faction gameplay, it seemed like the majority of players were enthused and welcoming to the feature. However, to date, I haven’t seen a single instance of cross-faction gameplay. In fact, in the custom group finder, I’ve only seen faction-specific listings. Is it just me and people are doing cross-faction stuff and I just haven’t seen it?
Vast majority of m+ I join are cross faction, the few pug raids I did were too
M+ and raid pugs is where I see a lot of cross faction gameplay. A handful of guiltiest also started playing Horde more and have their Horde toons in the guild as well.
I see cross faction groups in group finder all the time. Either for Mythics, World bosses, or World Quests.
I’ve seen it. But the issue is they didn’t allow LFD cross faction, which they need to allow if we have a full group, imo.
A good majority of my key groups are cross faction. Often times a good 3-2 split. I only really see a 4-1 or 5-0 if most of the group was made before being posted. I have never seen an Ally only group posted. And, by design, I’ve never seen a Horde only group posted, but I doubt they are a significant portion of the groups posted.
I get into a lot of cross faction in both raid, general world grouping and mythics regularly.
needs to be in dungeons too
The game breaking issue is that cross faction guilds are allowed, but it is not possible to queue for automated group finder like normal/hc dungeons, timewalk or LFR with guild mates from the other faction.
Also being able to do open world content with folks from the other faction would be nice.
It appears to me that a lot of these restrictions come from tech debt, as someone decided to make BfA the default leveling expansion (and BfA was designed around the Alliance vs Horde faction conflict).
A big problem is you can’t queue up for events and dungeons with your own guild members of the opposite faction.
Were you intending to respond to me directly?
Though I agree this would be greatly fixed if they’d allow cross faction LFR and LFG and other automated systems.
This you can do… just have to actually get into a group. Which can be hinky.
I doubt BfA has much to do with it really.
The coding of it is clearly giving them some sort of trouble though. lol
So the default is to stay single faction? Do you think it would be better to make the default x faction and it has to be turned off to keep it single?
When I was doing Mythic zero for the weekly all I got was cross-faction groups. Mind you I was the one that made them. It was kind of fun.
Open world groups in the group finder and LFD/LFR are still faction locked. I’ve been in groups in the open world with horde guildies, but it’s not possible with the group finder. I’ve had a lot of cross faction raids and M+ groups. I don’t like that I can’t buff my horde guildies and friends in the open world; it has to be in an instance as part of the same group or raid.
There’s still some significant work to be done in terms of allowing us to play with other players on the opposite faction.
yeah, waiting for them to bite the bullet and let people q crossfaction but then people will sperg out over it
Can’t speak for all the people, but my little group of friends have been doing this since it went live.
The funniest thing that’s happened so far, none of us thought about what would happen when we summoned low level horde alts to run the stocks in SW.
I don’t remember the last time I was in a pure faction group, lol. My only complaint is that we still have limitations, like being unable to do RFD/Timewalking together.
Can’t even convince me it’s a problem cause of the coding or whatever, because private servers have been doing it for years.
Thanks for the responses. That explains it. I only do group finder content (LFD/LFR), never guild groups or custom groups.
It’s intentional. They excluded cross-faction from random groups so people that cared about faction-exclusive groups wouldn’t get dropped into a group with the other group accidentally.
Should just have a setting that chooses faction specific, then.