Cross-faction dungeon queue

Continuing the discussion from 11.0.7 Update PTR Development Notes:

Why does it require a full group?
Does the unrated PVP queue also require a premade? The notes don’t specify.


Because there’s a minority of losers holding back the system who will whine if they’re in a group with a vulpera or a night elf.

Break down all the barriers.


Because Blizzard has been telling us over and over and over again that they don’t want to force people into cross faction groups.

This is fantastic!! I’m so excited! :smiley:

Which could probably be solved by adding a toggle or checkbox that allows the system to queue you with cross-faction players, or select only same-faction. Just seems like they didn’t bother doing enough with the system, and its acting within some old confines.


Novel idea: Add a ‘only queue me with my faction’ checkbox that someone can click on if they’re just that averse to seeing the other faction in a group. …maybe add a warning like “Queue times will be significantly longer if you’re trying to only queue with members of your own faction, are you sure you want to do this?” when you first click on it.


No, they talked about that, as well. It just splits the playerbase even more and then makes people feel like they’re “forced” to run cross faction.

Those players make up a minority of the playerbase if the Group Finder is any indication, they shouldn’t hold back the game.

Open the floodgates.


Who cares? We shouldn’t be held back just because someone will freak out over being in a group with an orc.


Were these things discussed in an older interview, or did I miss a recent podcast about these changes ahead of the upcoming patch?
I have some recollection of these points you’re making but I can’t remember how far back it was, and whether it’s still relevant.

… players care. Blizzard cares. I play cross faction, but I also care. :stuck_out_tongue:

No one is holding you back from playing the game. :roll_eyes:

I can’t even with all of this drama. It’s the same every time this subject comes up. :woman_facepalming:

This is perfect and exactly the compromise some people asked for.

I’m not even engaging with this further, because it’s always the same “I DON’T CARE ABOUT ANYONE ELSE BUT I CARE ABOUT OTHERS” hypocrisy. Every. Single. Time. :expressionless:

I’ll go back to my guild and celebrate. Thanks, Blizz!


So make it a checkbox. Have it be so you can click a checkbox to opt out. Then those weirdos can enjoy playing the game with likeminded weirdos with 10hr queues and the rest of us can get on playing the game.

How is the playerbase not split already by having a dumb faction restriction? The entire point is to have an unsplit community.


Because dumb, arbitrary restrictions are the MO of the dev team. I genuinely don’t understand the thought process. It doesn’t pertain to me that much anyway, but at the start of the expansion it would be nice to be able to queue with the 2 people I generally play with xfaction.


But have 2 factions doesn’t split the player base?

Yeah this is nice but I’d rather it just be an opt in thing. Have it be part of doing the lvling campaign in the current expac that it’s an opt in thing. I do hope in the next few years blizz does that as people chill out about cross faction stuff.

If you’re going to allow cross faction queue for unrated pvp, might as well do it for dungeon/heroic/LFR too. It only makes sense blizzard.

This implementation is so incredibly half baked. WTF are they thinking? What does this accomplish?

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Most people like that I feel play classic not retail tbh.

Let’s be really honest here guys. Blizzard wants the money for faction changes. That is the only reason it has not been added.

You want to queue for dungeons with your 1 or 2 friends on another faction? Too bad. They need to pay $30 per character and swap all their alts over to another faction. Blizzard is trying to meet their quarterly quotas.

It’s always about money and they are playing you with the myth that there is a loud group of people who don’t want to join the dungeon finder with the other faction.

Probably something on the backend they haven’t figured out how to fix yet.

I figured as much, but Sendryn was referencing some past interviews or commentary that maybe the devs aren’t looking to fix that.

It feels really odd that they are willing to force that on PvP groups where faction is a core part of the game mode, but not dungeon groups where faction is irrelevant to the game mode. I understand the sentiment from the devs, but the reality of what game modes enforce this seems very counter to the goal.

I would love to be able to run timewalking with a single friend of the opposite faction. It always takes the wind out of my sails when there’s a call to run some dungeons in the guild or discord, then we group up (rarely with a full 5) and realize we’re on different factions so one of us can’t play the character we wanted to.

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