Cross faction activity queueing

I hope I did not miss this being talked about elsewhere, as I did check first but I am known for overlooking things sometimes.

One major thing that has been being discussed a lot lately is the inability to queue for dungeons with cross faction group members. It can be frustrating, especially, if those group members are in your guild. This really does not make any sense. If we can raid together, we should be able to run a dungeon together. The game seems to be moving in a direction where we are becoming a force uniting to take on the forces threatening to cause harm to Azeroth and her inhabitants, we just can’t actually do it together. I hope that the future has a brighter outlook where our cross faction guild members can embark on queueing dungeons together as they can elsewhere in the game.

(Again, I apologize if this topic actually is somewhere else. It would be a case where I did not see it posted and not an intentional repost)


I want to echo the frustration, after the past two days of launch it feels weird I cannot queue with friends/guildies on certain characters. As I understand it they have discussed letting full premade groups be able to queue but I do not think this is good enough as sometimes you just have only 1-3 friends present.

I know the reasoning is because of people not wanting to play with players of the opposing faction but at this point I do not think it matters. I’ve quested with Thrall in the Maw on my alliance character and Horde play alongside Anduin, Alleria, Dagran and Moira in War Within content. The story consistently has you teaming up with the opposing faction to fight mutual enemies and I imagine future story moments will have that continue.

The people who do not want to group with opposing players already have to ally with the opposing faction NPCs in quests - why not players? If anything it is those players that should make premade groups if they feel strongly about it, not have their preferences prevent others playing together.

The cross-faction and cross-realm has been great. I hope this last remaining barrier preventing players from gaming together is removed.


It just does not make sense to have cross-faction/cross-realm guilds and then say oh by the way, you cant queue with each other. It goes against the direction of the story Blizzard is now trying to tell in The War Within (and going forward). Like you, it is frustrating at this point and it just does not make sense :frowning: Allow us to group together but then put limits on the manner in which we can do things together. I agree with your solution for those who do not wish to take advantage of the cross-faction opportunities. That would satisfy the opinions on both sides :slight_smile: