<Crits & Giggles> Recruiting on Frostmane

Semi-hardcore friendly guild recruiting to form a main raid group for Shadowlands, we plan on doing normal and heroic, but may dabble in mythic if we clear heroic. Our raid nights will be Monday and Tuesday nights PST.
We also do M+ almost every day and have gotten pretty consistent clears at 10+ levels. We also like to do pvp mostly for fun + getting mounts.
We have very knowledgeable players that are almost always willing to help a guildmate in need. :blush:
We are looking for players that are max level and have a passion for playing. don’t worry about gear we can help out anyone in need.
If your looking to join a chill guild of 18+ people then feel free to send me a PM (Valstre-Frostmane) or just send a request in.