<Criticism> [A] | Pagle | US | Weekend Semi-core Raiding / Social

Use Referral code “Sewp” when joining for a free stack of Nightfin Soup!

Still looking to recruit a few more Holy Priests! Join us for BWL!

Recruiting shadow priest among other things.

We have the best soup in all the lands. Come get some, but only if you use Referral code “Sewp” when joining the discord :stuck_out_tongue:

This isnt Criticism from A52 is it?

Either this is a huge coincidence or…

WTB another Holy Priest!!!

Hi Budz, yes we were horde on A52.

Yes, I also ran Criticism on A52 during Cataclysm. :wave:

such a small world

Great group of people to play with. Highly encourage anyone interested to jump into an off raid-night MC run!

Recruiting Holy Paladins and Exceptional DPS! Come chat in discord for more information!

Please drop the head, so Marat can go to bed!

Looking for Exceptional DPS to fill out our last few spots! Including Hunters, Feral Druids, Warlocks, and Rogues!
Full on Warriors.

Join us!

Where are the pallys on this server?

Where are the pew pew mages and warlocks though :stuck_out_tongue:

Nobody needs tanks!!!

Still looking for that excellent tank healing priest. Maybe a DS/Ruin warlock. Maybe a fury warrior.

Recruiting Holy Priests and Strong Warlocks!

Hi. I’m Salts and I approve this message.