EDIT - After digging more through the forums, it looks like there is a primary thread for this issue in the Tech Support section:
Since installing the ZA patch, I’ve started getting a memory error. It occurs immediately after selecting a character on the select screen and entering world. The zone I’m in will load for a split second and then the game crashes, leaving me with the error message. I had no issues prior to the patch and was actually playing minutes before the servers went down.
Here’s the weird part - this only occurs on certain (existing) characters and not on new ones I create. I have a large number of alts and found that out of the 10 or so, only 2 actually work without receiving the error. I don’t think this has anything to do with the files on my PC as I’ve wiped out all of the character specific data to force the game to re-build it from scratch. I feel, rather, that it’s got something to do with the character settings that are stored on the server and those are having a weird interection with the install on my PC. But I could be wrong…
Some of the things I’ve tried:
Uninstalling/re-installing (both the Blizzard App and the game)
Deleting WTF/Interface/Cache/ProgramData folders
Manually removing all references to the game in the registry
Disabling AV, firewall, graphic settings, xbox settings
Resetting graphic settings for WoW to default in Nvidia control panel
Running the launcher and the game in admin mode
Updating drivers
Using the “unstuck” feature to move my character
Scanning Windows System files for corruption
Uninstalling programs (including Discord, WoWup and mostly everything else too)
Here is the error -
"This application has encountered a critical error: ERROR #132 (0x85100084) Fatal exception!
having this exact same issue when I try to login to my Shaman which is my main.
The other nine characters on the same server are playable with zero issues, but logging into my shaman causes this error.
Been trying to fix it since ZA patch went live as well, hopefully there’s a solution soon
I found a primary thread for this. I think the status right now is something along the lines of they’re aware, working on it and will be releasing a hotfix later today that should fix it. Looks like alot of people are having this problem and it’s character specific. It appears to be an issue on Blizzard’s end so doing anything with your PC is unlikely to help.